your mouth, my rosary

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"Look at you."

Y/N emphasized the end of each word as she looked down at Harry, no longer tall now that he was resting on his knees. She had his face in her grasp, fingers pressing into his cheeks softly as she held his head upwards, forcing him to look up at her. She had a smile playing on her lips and she let go of his jaw, toying with his lower lip for a few seconds before her fingers started trailing down to his neck, running over his clerical collar, before her hand finally found its spot against the back of his head.

"You want this, don't you?" She asked softly and Harry gulped dryly, glancing at where her other hand was toying with the edge of her skirt for a moment, before he eventually gave in. He nodded, darting his tongue out to wet his lips, humiliation tingling all over his body that he somehow found pleasure in.

"Go ahead, then." She murmured and Harry hesitated for a second before he brought both of his hands up, pushing up her skirt to pull her panties down, allowing her to step out of them once they reached her ankles. She gently guided his head closer to her, and once he got the first taste, he let his eyes fall shut while his hands held onto the softness of her thighs. Her knees were pressed against the walls of the box, too cramped to spread them wide, but it was enough.

"Fuck." She murmured and the back of her head made a small 'thunk' as she pressed it against the back wall, slipping her fingers through the soft strands of Harry's hair to grip and tug. She moaned softly amongst his muffled ones, licking into her with as much eagerness and desperation that had mustered up inside of him, eyes closed in bliss as he indulged her.

Heavenly sin was coated all over his tongue and he couldn't get enough, pulling off of her every once in a while to catch his breath, before diving back into this newfound addiction he couldn't get enough of. He felt hot, hot, hot, his mind swirling with all kinds of thoughts and sweat building up underneath his clothes. His knees were starting to feel sore from being pressed against the floor for so long, but it felt so good because it was for her.

a/n: good god

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