horror movies

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"Y/N, I told you that I don't like horror movies-"

"This one isn't even scary!" Y/N cut Harry off, making him slump further into the couch, like ice cream melting onto the pavement. "I promise, angel." She smiled and kissed Harry's cheek, pulling the knitted blanket they were sharing a little higher up their bodies. She snuggled into Harry's side and Harry put his arm around her, sighing quietly as the movie started to play on the TV. Maybe it won't be so bad, Harry thought to himself.

It was Friday night and the pair had nothing else to do. It was cold outside, their stomachs were filled with warm food from dinner, they had tea sitting on the coffee table, they couldn't be more cozy. Well, until Y/N decided they were going to watch a horror movie, Harry felt a little tense then. But, he was going to power through it, because things in horror movies weren't real anyway (Harry scoffed in his head, now realizing that he was fine and he had nothing to worry about).

The beginning of the movie was quite tame, just a little bit of unsettling music and views so far. Although, sometimes he would squeeze Y/N's shoulder a little when he got nervous, but would quickly catch himself and loosen his grip, he was fine.

"Oh, fuck me." Harry jumped a little from the sudden loud sound, making Y/N snicker quietly. He couldn't help but squish himself a little further into the cushions, like he was trying to hide from the thing behind him that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He kept his eyes focused on the TV though, determined to get through this all right.

"Are you scared?" Y/N teased, looking up at Harry and he gave her a fake-laugh.

"No, I'm fine."

"Okay then. This movie's pretty good, huh? I like it a lot, might be one of my favorites so far."

All of Y/N's talking distracted Harry and another loud sound emitted from the speakers, making him jolt and curse, brows furrowed as he looked at the TV. Y/N now had her lips folded in a line, trying to hold in her laugh as she looked back at the TV, amused by Harry's reactions.


"That was great." Y/N yawned and rubbed her eye with her knuckles, stretching her limbs out like a cat.

Meanwhile, Harry was still trying to grasp what really happened, a little bothered and paranoid, but he would never say that to Y/N or show that in his looks, he was perfectly fine (but what the living fuck was that movie?). He grabbed the TV remote and decided to turn the tv off, grabbing the empty mugs of tea to put in the sink. Y/N's brows furrowed as she watched Harry, although shrugged it off and got up as well.

"Wanna head to bed?" Y/N wrapped the knit blanket around her shoulders.

"Yeah," Harry glanced at her, smiling softly, "Sure."

"Well, come on then." She chuckled softly, yawning again as she started to head towards their bedroom. She tossed the blanket onto a chair and plopped down onto the bed, sighing softly as she waited for Harry to come in. God, the bed felt amazing. She could fall asleep in a second, and would love to, but she wanted to wait for Harry so she could have some extra warmth while sleeping.

She smiled softly when Harry finally came into the room, and so did he, bending down to kiss her softly when he made his way to the bed. He lied down next to her and started grabbing the duvet to put over himself, until she spoke up.

"H, you forgot the light." She murmured softly, getting herself comfortable next to him.

Harry paused for a second and got a little worried, but got up nonetheless. "Right, sorry." He said quietly and reluctantly switched off the light, making it incredibly dark in their room. Y/N liked sleeping when it was really dark, so they didn't really use the lamp they had in the room, which... well, it wasn't the greatest for Harry at the moment. He couldn't even see what was in the corners of the room anymore.

He got in bed anyway, though, letting Y/N snuggle into him whilst he stared at the walls around him. The small creaks he would hear would only bother him more. He tried closing his eyes and actually getting some sleep, but he was so bothered, like he was a kid again and wanted to hide under the covers. He was so paranoid that something was there, like in the movie, lurking and waiting.

"H, you okay?"

"'M fine." He murmured and Y/N scooted a little closer, throwing an arm around his stomach and rubbing his side.

"You can turn the lamp on if you want, I don't mind."

"What? I'm fine."

"Harry, stop being stubborn, it's fine."

"I'm fine, Y/N, just go back to sleep. I was dozing off anyway."

"What-" Y/N got up from the bed and turned the lamp on herself, casting a warm glow and illuminating the room just enough. Harry felt himself flush a little when she got back into the bed, but she was smiling softly.

She kissed his lips first, then his cheek and said, "I'm sorry we watched a horror movie, yeah? No more of those, I promise. I'll make it up to you tomorrow, hm?"

a/n: fluff for you filthy sinful whores 😠 anyway she fucks him awake in part two

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