trembling still vol. 2

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"What are you doing?"

Harry moved his head from where it was peeking out from the duvet he had pulled up all the way to his neck to look at Y/N, who was standing near the door as she was taking her clothes off. She was chuckling still as she took her clothes from the floor and tossed them to the chair on the other side of the room, sitting next to Harry's completely covered body on the bed as she waited for a response, her head cocked to the side a little with an amused smile on her face.

"I'm just, you know... a little nervous." Harry shrugged and turned over, lying on his back instead of on his stomach, the duvet still pulled up all the way over his body despite him being pretty naked underneath it. He had been nervous since yesterday, actually, the day he asked her to try out this new... thing with him. He was pretty okay when she wasn't in the room, but now that she was... his heart was definitely beating faster than it was before and it felt like it was slowly sinking further and further down his chest.


"Rimming? Is that what you said? I literally cannot hear you, H."

Harry's cheeks grew even hotter and he cleared his throat, shaking his head subtly even though he shouldn't have because, yes, rimming was what he definitely said. He was just so nervous! So many questions were now flying through his head, the same ones he had come up with moments before the words came out of his mouth. What if she was weirded out now? What if she was too weirded out now?  What if she was so weirded out that she would figure that Harry was into other weird things which would result in her leaving him because things were just too weird?

"So... it's not what you said? What did you say?" Y/N had put all of her attention on him, her phone now lying on her lap where she had been scrolling on Pinterest for a little while, adding pins to her boards and whatnot, which was worse for Harry because now she was looking at his very hot face that he couldn't seem to cool down whatsoever.

"You know what? Nevermind, it's fine, it's nothing." He gave her a tight-lipped, polite smile to hopefully end the conversation, making Y/N chuckle from how strange and awkward he was being.

"Harry, you know I'm always open to try new things with you. Sexual or not, I'm open to anything. Have to trust me on this one, H." She had shuffled closer and brought a hand up to poke one of his dimples after speaking, resting her head against the soft cushions of the couch. "So c'mon, what is it? I won't judge, I won't ever." She reassured once more and grasped Harry's hand, running her thumb over his knuckles as she awaited his reply.

The reason Harry had wanted to try rimming anyway was simply because he was watching some porn when Y/N was away on a business trip for two weeks and Harry was left all alone in their home, missing her presence and touch. He just accidentally stumbled upon a video about rimming and got curious so he watched it, watching the man groan and whine and whimper as the woman behind him licked into him, sometimes moaning against him purely because of the sounds the man was letting out. The video ended with Harry's hand over his mouth, his eyes squeezed shut, and his toes curling so deliciously.

The thought of him and Y/N in those positions hadn't left his mind since.

"I wanna try it." Harry said with more clarity, clearing his throat before clarifying what he was talking about even further. "Rimming–I mean. It's fine if you don't want to, obviously, I wouldn't wanna force you or any-"

"You want me to eat you out?"

Harry parted his lips, a little surprised from her bluntness, despite it being nothing really that new.

"Yeah." Harry replied quietly. "Is that okay?"

"Sure, yeah, we can try that." She shrugged nonchalantly, smiling. "Tomorrow?"

Present time.

"Well, don't be. It'll be fun, yeah? And it'll feel great, I promise." Y/N chuckled, now sitting next to him on the bed. She slowly pulled the duvet over Harry's body down until his entire torso was exposed to the cool air of their bedroom, goosebumps rising from his skin. She leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his chest, glancing up at his face that was now more flushed than before, her lips tugging up at the corners a little as she maneuvered to straddle him, her knees digging into the spots beside Harry's. She mouthed at the part she kissed for a moment before letting the kisses trail down, sometimes darting her tongue out to see Harry shiver.

"Just relax." She mumbled against his skin, throwing the duvet away to the other side of the bed so she could see all of Harry, lips parting in surprise when she saw the delicate lacy white panties he had on, sneaking a finger under it to pull it back and snap it back against his skin, making Harry whimper and shift his hips away from her, as if he was embarrassed and didn't want her to see.

"S-sorry, I wanted to try them on and-"

"You look so pretty."

Harry hadn't even realized he was already gripping the sheets, loosening his grip as he looked up at her, gasping wetly as he felt her hand palming against him.

"So are they okay?"

"Jesus, more than." She chuckled, pulling them down his thighs gently. Harry's eyes fell shut and he felt more at ease now, his heart rate slowing down as he tried his best to relax because he was just so tense. Had been since yesterday.

"Can't believe you're wearing these..." She murmured, wrapping a wet hand around his cock and giving him a few slow strokes, listening to Harry moan softly and shift a little. She kept up with that for a little while, teasing Harry by never going faster, staying gentle and slow to have him wanting more. She would lean down and mouth at his neck, paying extra attention to the special spots he liked and leaving a few marks, uttering filthy things that had Harry blushing furiously.

"Can you turn over?" She mumbled against his cheek before she sat back up against Harry's thighs. "I wanna... I wanna see you."

At first, Harry was a little confused. She could see him, but nevertheless, he shifted over so he was on his hands and knees, burying his flushed into the pillow beneath him. His forearms were supporting his weight and all he could feel was Y/N pulling the panties back up, feeling them snap against his hips. God, she was purely just admiring him, groping at his ass greedily and leaving bite marks against the soft flesh.

"You're horrible." She mumbled jokingly against Harry's skin before she pulled the panties down until they fell against the backs of his knees, and finally...

"O-oh, fuck." Harry had lifted himself up from the bed, gasping and moaning from surprise when he felt her wet tongue against him, allowing himself to slowly go back down and leaning into it, sighing from pleasure and finally getting what he had been wanting for so long. He felt Y/N's hand glide up his back, before she moved it back down slowly whilst pushing down as well, encouraging him to arch his back further and to push back against her.

"Fuck." Harry breathed out, gulping. He couldn't spread his legs because the panties were in the way and were restricting him, only able to arch his back and just indulge. His hands were gripping the pillow tightly, sometimes muffling his loud noises against them. It felt so weirdly good and he couldn't get enough of it, unable to stop himself from mumbling "more, more" and resisting the urge to touch himself because he wanted it to last.

"See?" Y/N murmured after pulling away for a second, groping at Harry's ass and lightly digging her nails into his flesh, "It does feel good, doesn't it?" A smile was playing on her lips and she reached around his thigh to get a hand around his cock, causing him to groan and bury his face into the pillow again, making Y/N 'tsk'.

"Don't hide your moans." She said softly as she was leaning back down, "They're what I like best."

"Fuck, I'm- I'm close." Harry moved the pillow out of the way and put it beside him, resting his forehead against his forearms instead, eyes closed and toes curled.

a/n: here you go, the longer version of trembling still! and i'm SORRY i couldn't resist so there's panties involved 😞 they're white this time though so atleast that's new! hope it was okay, feedback is always appreciated! love you all 💋🫂

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