Chapter 2

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Eventually the light of the sun began to make everything brighter and everything became much easier to see. This is another one of those trade off things I can't quite decide on. It's good, but also bad. The more it lights up, the easier I can see, but we're also easier to see.

I came this close to slicing my finger open during my carving, thankfully that didn't happen but I accidentally snapped all my hard work in half.

Blowing air out my mouth, I chuckled and tossed the rest of it into a fire. It wasn't that nice anyway.

I finally put out the fire, kicking dirt onto it with my boots. Although it was never more than warm sticks to be honest.

A few twigs snapped here and there while I struggled to fight off boredom but it never panned out to be anything more dangerous than a woodchuck.

Some of these creatures are very lucky that it's me keeping watch and not Daryl or they wouldn't be furry, they'd be curry.

Huh...I wonder if squirrel curry would make them taste better. Is squirrel curry even possible? Come to think of it...I don't know anyone who knows how to make curry. Especially not now. Unless someone back at camp is keeping tasty little secrets.

Seriously though, out of everyone among us -including the few mother's we've got back at camp- I can't believe there's no one with culinary skill.

Carol probably comes closest but maybe it's just cause she's a good mom.


My knife was in my hand in less than a second but it was sliding back into my sheath a second later.

He's up sooner than I expected. It's only been a few hours. At most.

Either that or I've been completely zoning out, which isn't good no matter how you look at it, but I doubt it because I did notice all the small insignificant noises that could have been the end of our lives.

But alas, here we are about to begin our hunt for the elusive immortal deer once again.

Unfortunately, this time it's on an empty stomach. 


We've been tracking this deer for a good three hours into the daylight. I cannot for the life of me, figure out how it's still going. Daryl's shot it like three times and—


I looked at Daryl and he was already staring back.

Simultaneously, we broke into a run, towards the scream.

As we got closer, our pace slowed to where we wouldn't be noticed, just in case.  

It took a few minutes but we came around a mound of rock and unfortunately I didn't notice Daryl shortstop until I walked into his back. My nose slamming into the back of his cinderblock of a skull.

Jesus— Mary and Joseph. What the Hell are you made of, rocks!?

Grabbing my now throbbing nose, my cold fingers somewhat soothed the ache but nowhere near how much I would've liked.

Begrudgingly, I peeked around him. I'm not sure what I was expecting to see, but it wasn't this.

I stared at most of the men from our group, all of which looked quite startled. That's another look I'm accustomed to, but not usually when I'm accompanied by another person. Least of all a Dixon.

"Son of a bitch. That's my deer." Daryl stomped closer, clearing my line of sight to see the cause of his sudden mood swing.

I rubbed my eyes incredulously, an exhausted sigh escaping my lips.

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