Chapter 115

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I swung my leg off the bike, bracing my hands on Daryl's shoulders a little heavier than usual to keep my balance — less pressure on the ribs — as I got off the motorcycle.

The others got out of the cars behind us as I took out my knives, doing a quick spin check of our surroundings. I'd really like to avoid being snuck up on at all costs. Especially since we just made a whole lot of noise pulling up to this book store — or what used to be a bookstore.

This little open-air shopping mall is deserted like everywhere else. There's maybe 9 shops here, none any bigger than a small house except for this book store on the corner, and it's basically just two shops stacked on top of each other to create two floors.

But, it's tall enough that we might get a good vantage point from that top level. The windows are big and if we're lucky, there'll be roof access.

The outside of the caramel brown modern-looking building makes it stand out against the other rundown off-white shops in this little strip. Amazing what a difference a simple color scheme can do to something.

There's a dollar tree next door to it, that might have some odds & ends we could use without having to go find stores they'd be at.

Oh yesssss I almost fist pumped. There's a hardware store. I doubt it'll have anything fancy but there'll be simple tools at least. Maybe bolt & wire cutters — things we could use should we encounter chains or fence that we need to get through. I can think of at least 3 times making runs into the city — in Atlanta — where those would've come in handy.

I made a mental note to check these stores out before dark but we need to clear this shop and get settled first.

"Alright," Rick stood at the front of the group who gathered almost in a line on my right as Daryl stood to my left.

"T-Dog, Randall, you're on watch. Keep your eyes peeled and no gunfire unless you have to. We don't have ammo to waste and we don't wanna draw unnecessary attention to ourselves."

"Daryl, Eve, Glenn, Maggie. You guys come with me, we'll clear out the store. The rest of you, stay here and keep an eye out. Be ready to move in case this goes south."

Rick turned and motioned at us, taking his python into both hands as the 4 of us followed towards the doors.

"Stay behind me."

"Stay behind me."

Maggie and I both looked at Glenn and Daryl — who looked at each other like they'd grown a second head.

I couldn't help it. I snorted.

They both looked at me and I covered my mouth, "concealing" the grin that's trying very hard not grow.

Maggie tried biting her lips to conceal hers but let's face it, we both failed. Miserably.

Rick looked at us, thankfully letting us have that little moment before he gave us a stern look and we all flanked him. Daryl and me on the left side of the door, the other 3 on the right. All of us standing in a sort of half crouch that seems to aid sneaking for whatever reason.

Don't ask me how it works, I just know that it does; even if only as a placebo effect.

Daryl got his crossbow ready and I spun my knives around, ready.

Daryl turned slightly and grumbled to me, "Play it safe. I mean it." as Rick grabbed the handle.

I gave a low hum in response, knowing he's not looking at me at a good enough angle to see a nod and my hands are ocupado so no thumbs up's either.

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