Spooky Birthday

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"Hey Eve, when's your birthday?"

Eve looked over her shoulder at Carl from where she stood at the bucket in the kitchen sink, washing the dishes used to make breakfast this morning.

She shrugged, and Carl came over to the counter, leaning on it so he can see her face.

"I know we don't like, know what day it is or anything anymore, but just like, when were you born?"

Eve smiled, glancing at him. "No idea."

Glenn looked over from the kitchen table where he, Rick, and T-Dog have been talking since the 4 of them (Eve included) are up first for driving when they leave today. "What do you mean no idea?"

Eve glanced at him and shrugged. "I don't know what day I was born."

The whole room + the living room stopped and several more heads appeared in the doorway.

"Then what do you do every year?" Carl asked, royally confused.

Eve shrugged, "I just pick a day every year, when it feels right."

"That's cool, you get to pick when your birthday is." Carl smiled.

"You have to have a birth certificate at least." Rick reasoned, turning to the side in his chair so he can rest one arm on the back and the other on the table.

Eve nodded. "It says May and has the day I was registered on it, but that's not when I was born."

"You don't have any idea?" Lori asked, leaning against the doorway with her necklace between her fingers. She looks more concerned than she should be. It's not really a big deal to not know what day you were born.

Eve shrugged (Such a shrugger today) and looked out the kitchen window above the sink at the slightly spooky backyard. "I was a few months old when I was registered, so I know it's sometime in the fall."

"I always liked October. It's spooky." Eve grinned watching the cold fog drift along the ground above the snow and carried on with the few dishes left while Carol dried them next to her. 

It's short but Happy Halloween everyone & everytwo! And Happy (late) birthday to my good friend Come4_YourCrabs_Joon who inspired this!

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It's short but Happy Halloween everyone & everytwo! And Happy (late) birthday to my good friend Come4_YourCrabs_Joon who inspired this!

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