Chapter 12

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We hadn't spoken a word since our group had gone down one member. The silence was deafening between us in stark contrast to the usual comfortable silence, and Daryl finally spoke after having enough of it.

"I heard ya talkin' to Jim."

Tearing my eyes from the scenery, my gaze fixed on Daryl. He glanced at me for a few seconds longer than he probably should have, and much longer than I expected but it's obvious there's something else he has to say. Daryl isn't the type to strike up an unnecessary conversation, especially with someone he knows won't carry one.

"Finally know why ya don't talk" It was almost a mumble when he spoke again but my suspicion loomed over intangibly. I'm not sure what he's getting at.

And I've answered this question at least three times. What is everyone's fascination with my "reason" for not talking. Is it really that unusual?

I gave a small nod to encourage him to go on; let him know I'm listening.

"That the only reason ya don't talk?" he asked, glancing at me again, this time only briefly to view my answer and I nodded. He glanced at me unconvinced but didn't speak again and I allowed my gaze to turn back to the passing scenery.

I really don't understand this fixation. He's not chatty himself but sooner or later, he will want to know the why— rather how, behind my reason.

I'm not fool enough to believe he's given up; this will come up again, be it near future or distant. And I'm not looking forward to it either way.


We reached the CDC just past sundown, the light was fading faster by the second.

The smell hit me like an 18 wheeler as soon as my boots hit the pavement. Coughing was involuntary, not just for me. Even Daryl had trouble keeping his disgust contained.

I forced myself to breath through my nose, no matter if it made me cough or gag. Smell is the weakest sense, and after a minute it wasn't so bad anymore.

I followed Daryl to the others while we made our way towards the CDC building.

Bodies littered the 50 meters between us and the building. You couldn't go 5 feet before another one was in your path. If these bodies weren't dead twice over, not one of us would stand a chance.

Nobody would come out of this alive, not even come back as a walker, there'd be nothing left of any of us.

People kept shushing each other, trying to move quietly but let's face it they're a noisy bunch. The only one here capable of being truly silent is me but I can't hold it against them. I'm a ninja after all.

Ah, Glenn. What have you done to me? You've created a monster.

Well you know what they say: Best way to fight monsters, is with better monsters.

We got to the doors and Rick's fist loudly collided with the metal security shutters.

"There's nobody here." T-Do's distressed statement caused a sweep of panic through the already scared group.

"Then why are these shutters down?" Rick glanced around.

"Walkers!" Daryl's call set me on alert and I spun around as he killed one that was still far from reaching us. Pulling my knife, I scanned for more.

Not letting the others pull me into their panic is difficult when everyone's spiralling. Standing out in the cold, completely exposed is never easy to deal with, even for trained soldiers, let alone civilians such as ourselves.

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