Chapter 38

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Daryl's POV  

I tested the ground with the stick but it gave way again. I watched the chunk of dirt and rocks fall. Half this ledge is loose dirt. I don't even know how the tree(twig) I'm holdin' on to grew 'ere.

I tested some more ground before lookin' at the stick in my hand. This thing isn't gettin' me anywhere anymore. I tossed it off, lettin' it roll down the steep drop with the rest of the dirt.

I panted, looking up. I jumped, trying to reach the next tree but came up short and slid back to my less than stable spot on the cliff side.

My side pulled again and I winced, groaning.

"Aw come on. You done half. Stop bein' such a pussy"

I psyched myself up with a few quick breaths, brought my leg up and tried again.

I swung over and grabbed the tree but my fingers slid off and I ended up right back where I was before. Only the tree I had in my grip loosened and started to pull out of the dirt.

The ledge under me started to crumble and I tried to hold on to the trees; looking for anything I could grab hold of but the ground disappeared from underneath me, and that falling sensation hit me right before my back hit the ground.

The world spun and I landed on my side over and over before finally hitting the ground on the side my bolt was stuck through.

I rolled off it, gasping and grit my teeth against the endless waves of pain shooting spikes up and down my side, as I laid back on the ground.

My vision blurred and something warm ran down the side of my face before everything went dark.


My face scrunched as I forced open heavy eyelids.

Blue. Sky's still blue. I stared at the sky before green caught my attention. Everything's...blurry, and it smells like mud and wood rot.

I grunted, trying to turn my head, stop it from spinning.


That a person?

I squinted at the fuzzy blob of a person stopping above me.


A face came into focus as the figure crouched next to me. "Why don'cha pull that arrow out, dummy. You could bind your wound better."

"Merle" I felt a smile pull across my face.

"What's goin' on here?" his eyes drew to my side. "You takin' a siesta or somethin?"

"Shitty day, bro" I groaned, trying to turn my head back to him after it began to lull to one side.

"Mm, would you like me to get ya a pillow? Maybe rub your feet"

"Screw you" I grumbled.

"Huh-uh" he shook his head. "You're the one screwed, from the looks of it. All them years I spent tryna make a man of you. Dis what I get."

My eyelids almost drifted shut but I forced them back open and to focus on Merle.

"Look at ya. Lyin' in the dirt like a used rubber."

"You gonna die out here, little brother. And for what?"

"A girl" I swallowed, tryna get the sore lump outta my throat. "They lost a little girl"

"So you gotta thing for little girls now?"

"Shut up"

"Cause I noticed you ain't out lookin' for ol' Merle no more."

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