Chapter 59

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I watched the trees and scenery wizz by out the window as we headed towards town.

I haven't been over here before, neither has Rick as far as I know. Glenn's been navigating for him but he's been unusually quiet this ride.

We're already at the edge of town and he's barely mumbled a word. Just pointing for where to go for the most part.

I'd say he's been spending too much time with me, but I know that isn't true, because I've been by myself, with Daryl, or solving one problem after another for most of the past few days.

Alright, I've had enough of this. I scooted forward, to the edge of my seat in the center of the back; resting my elbows on the front seats as I leaned forward.

I nudged Glenn, and waited for him to look at me. It didn't take long for him to cave to my gaze.

"Maggie said she loves me."

"Mm-hmm" Rick glanced over, nodding.

A toothy smile broke out on my face, and I punched Glenn's arm. I knew you two were a good match!

Glenn looked at Rick and me with an incredulous smile, "She doesn't mean it. I mean she can't."


Am I looking at Glenn like he's stupid? Maybe. Is it justified? Absolutely.

The best friend rule, you're allowed to let your friend know when they've said some stupid shit.

"She— she's upset or confused." Glenn turned his eyes forward again. "She's probably feeling, like—"

"I think she's smart enough to know what she's feeling." Rick cut him off. Thank god.

"No. No." Glenn shook his head in denial.

Rick laughed, and our eyes met in the rearview. I couldn't help but snicker with him, because honest to Mordrid I cannot believe this is really happening.

Forget all those dystopian works, cause the world ending isn't a good enough reason to no longer worry about being confused and uncertain when it comes to love.

"No, you know what? She wants to be in love, so she— she needs something to— to, like— to hold onto."

Uh-huh, keep going. I think you've managed to convince yourself so far.

I knew you weren't great with the ladies, Ace. You're still pretty young, but...somehow I didn't see this coming. I really didn't think you were the naive, in-denial kinda guy. I thought you'd become a puppy at her beck and call.

"Glenn, it's pretty obvious to everyone Maggie loves you" Rick spoke over the top of him to stop Glenn's pathetic attempt at explaining this to himself. "And not just because you're one of the last men standing, so what's the problem?"

Glenn glanced at the ground in guilt— or regret? "I didn't say it back."


I rubbed my forehead, licking my lip.

"I've never had a woman say that to me before. Except my mom, of course, and— and my sisters." He glanced at his lap.

"But with Maggie, it's different." I sure hope it is; otherwise you might need to sort a few things out with yourself.

"I mean— we barely know each other. What— what does she really know about me? Nothing. We're practically strangers."

That's never stopped love before. Romantic love isn't the only type pulling that either.

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