Chapter 39

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Eve's POV

I sighed, staring at the red cloth nailed to a tree.

I've made it all the way to Rick & Shane's grid, and not a damn thing— not so much as a feeling of going in the right direction.

My grid is twice the size of everyone except Daryl's. If I haven't found anything, she probably never made it out this far, and I don't know if that's good or bad.

I scratched my neck and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

I'm not giving up. Not yet. It's just—'s hard not to lose hope of finding her alive at this rate. If at all.

I shook my head and ran my tongue over my dry lips. I should've brought a water bottle with me. I'm gonna be dehydrated by the time I make it back to the farm.

I don't think I've ever felt more dejected to have finished something in my entire life.

Aside from a few years ago when I ate two entire pizzas in a half hour. Those I regretted finishing but I more than paid for it then.

What am I doin?... thinking about pizza, when I'm supposed to be finding a lost child.

Come on, kid...please be alright. Just hold on a little longer. We'll find you. I promise.

Abruptly turning, I began the trudge back.

Last I knew, things were going well with Hershel and his family, and letting us stay here but... I don't know what's going on right now. I still feel like we're swaying in the wind.

It could be because I haven't spent nearly as much time on the farm as I've spent combing these woods.

It's definitely the safest place we've been so far. Massive sight lines, wide open areas, water sources, woods, plenty of food and resources. Even some defensible positions. The safety isn't in question.

It doesn't feel stable. And I'd like to say I don't know why, but I've got a few ideas. And they all start with one person.


Daryl's POV

"Daryl...wake up. You have to get up. Get up! Daryl, wake up!"

Sunlight streamed against my squinted eyes.

After a hazy moment, I came back to where I am but there's no one else here. Not unless ya count the two walker bodies on the ground by me.

I could'a sworn I heard somethin'. There ain't nothin' but trees, bushes, and dirt.

I laid back, looking at the sky before I pulled myself up.

My side pulled and ached as I sat up, and I could feel the blood running down my skin. If I don' take care a this I ain't gonna make it back to the farm.

Stripping off my shirt, I folded it and used it to stop the bleeding from the hole pulling out the bolt left.

I glanced around again while tying the knots, like I was expectin' someone to come outta the trees but no one did.

I don't know why or who I was expectin' to see but what matters is they ain't 'ere.

"Son o' bitch was right" Only person who's gonna help me, is me.

I grabbed my crossbow and hauled it over my shoulder as I stood. I went over to the downed tree in the edge of the water and sat down, pulling the squirrel from earlier off my belt.

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