Chapter 118

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There's enough here to last all of us for a couple of days — thank god.

We got Hella lucky finding this place. But I wouldn't count on it happening again.

Winter's coming and I'm concerned.

But there isn't much than keep us warm. It's not exactly a depot for clothing — and I knew that — but I thought they'd at least have emergency blankets or something, but there isn't so much as a pair of itchy awful knitted gloves.

I picked up my 4th and final basket of supplies to take next door, just some basic cleaning supplies which if I remember high school chemistry right, I should be able to mix and either make them a little more potent, or flammable. Soooo, we'll see how that goes.

I did pick up some crappy pink backpack — you know the kind 5 year olds use? — and ahem, head over to the feminine section (which I didn't even remember they had until I saw it). I took the liberty of filling this little backpack with as many products as were on the shelves. Until it occurred to me that if the boxes get wet or the packages torn, the products will be useless.

And before you ask, yes I just spent the last 10 minutes sitting criss cross on the floor of an abandoned dollar tree, with a light pink rainbow covered backpack, ripping open more than a dozen boxes of feminine hygiene products and dumping them inside ziplock bags before tucking them into the bag.

T-Dog came looking for me just a few minutes ago and saw what I was doing — at least it wasn't Daryl — and I still can't get the look on his face out of my head.

He was soo red and I've never seen someone stammer so much before just giving up and leaving.

Daryl did however come to find out what the Hell was taking me so long right after I finished.

He held the door as I followed him out and handed off the basket to Beth who was taking it and one other inside the bookstore up to our little set up on the second floor.

"Eve, Daryl" I turned, watching Rick motion us over to him and Hershel.

I handed the pink backpack off to Lori as I passed her — and she looked at me strangely for the lack of explanation of why — going with Daryl to the other two.

She's smart, I'm pretty sure she can figure out why I gave it to her, without me having to explain.

"What's up?" Daryl leaned against the car as I sat on the hood next to him. I know I'll probably have to get back up in a second but I'll take all the time off my feet I can get.

"Take Glenn, T-Dog, Maggie, and Randall and clear these other stores, look for anything we can use."

I nodded and went to get off the hood but Daryl stopped me. "Stay 'ere, I'll get 'em."

Rick walked back into the store with Daryl, while Hershel turned to me. "Let me take a look at you in the meantime."


I lowered my shirt after Hershel finished prodding my ribs again, as the others came out, ready to go raid some more stores.

I slid off the hood as Daryl raised an eyebrow at Hershel.

"She's healing, but it's gonna take time."

Daryl nodded and I was finally allowed to get the ground back under my boots.

The 6 of us headed over to the next store beside Dollar Tree and Daryl took point, glancing at me, "Eve, you got our 6. Maggie, Glenn, you got the left. T, Kid you got right."

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