The Big Day

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Allison's POV-
Tommorow's the big school day. I'm so so nervous. What if I don't find any friends?what If I get bullied again even if I had changed my appearance? Ok, I really need to stop thinking about the negative stuff.

"Honey?Honey?!"my mom yells making me jump a little.

"What's wrong,Allison?"my mom tells me with a worried look on her face.

"Huh?oh nothing mom, i was just thinking about what people will think of me in the new school you're putting me into."I tell her.

"Dont be baby,I'm sure everyone will like you"she tells me with a confident look.

"Can you please move me to another school?I have a feeling that I won't like the one you put me into"I tell her pleadingly.

"Honey,no. everyone will like you, stop worrying so much about it!and you can't tell the future baby"she tells me laughing at her own comment.

"Ok fine well I'm going to go do something,"i tell her remembering I have to do something important.

"Ok Allison,see you in a bit!"she screams to me while I'm already up the stairs.

I need to literally clean my whole face with some magic cleanser to remove my blemishes. Even though I'm going to be wearing makeup to school as usual, I feel a bit skittish if I don't put on a facial or something before all the makeup.i leave the stuff on my face for about 30 minutes and then take it off.i make sure to put an alarm on my phone with the old song the Dolan twins had as their outro"club going up"As the ringtone. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention what a big fan I am of them ever since I left New Jersey to come to L.A in the airplane. They make me sooo so well as all the other people in the fan nation(bromieomies know).

It's 5 in the morning and I woke up to the ringtone that hypes me up, so of course I woke up without hesitation. I immediately go to the shower and take a really hot bath so I can wake up a little bit more. I put the on the album"Tunesdays."

Then after my shower I put a bit of foundation on my face,some mascara,some nude pink eyeshadow,eyeliner and matte red lipstick on.

I put on something simple, but cute.I wore
A marroon purple shirt and a flowy shirt.

I finally curled my hair into lose curls and I check the time. It's 7:40. I literally had 20 minutes to get to school. I got to school exactly at eight and I was so nervous and I had so many books in my hands, so I started talking to my own self.i know, kinda crazy.

"Oh my god I'm going to be late on the first day of school what do I do what do I do what do I do what do i-"

Then i feel a very hard pang on my stomach by getting hit by books in my hands.

"Oh god I'm so sorry.I didn't mean to bump into you here I'll get them for you"so it was a guy that bumped into me, just great.

"No it's fine I can get them my own se-"

I'm stunned. I look up and this person I see has to be the most beautiful person in the whole entire world.

-page 15

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