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Allison's POV-
I couldn't believe my eyes. At first I thought somehow Katie made it back to the world, but this Girl here was actually worried.

She's talking to this woman, asking if they have seen Katie.

Does she not know Katie's dead?

I start to fastly walk up to her and Grayson tries to stop me.

"Alli, don't." He warns me.

"Gray,  she looks excatly like Katie. There's no way in hell that I'm going to let this go." I tell him. He finally lets go.

She looks at me and smiles.

"Hello, ma'am. Would you know where this Girl is?" She says putting the paper she was holding to my view.

"Katie Marshall. Yes." I tell her smiling back.

"You know where she is? Where is she? Please help me." She says begging.

"She's in my room right now. I can take you to her if you'd like?" I say.

"Okay, yes please. Thank you so much...?"

"Allison. My names Allison." I tell her.

"Oh, Allison. That's a very pretty name." She tells me, smiling.

"Thank you." I tell her politely

I need to figure out who she really is. A long lost twin? I look at Grayson and tell him to come over here with me and this anonymous girl.

His eyes widen, I mouth a 'just go with it.' To him.

He nods a little and comes up to us, smiling at the girl.

"Hey, I'm Grayson. Allison's boyfriend." He says, pulling his hand out as an offer for a handshake.

She shakes it back.

"Hi, I'm Keily Valentino." She says back.

What? Aren't they supposed to be related? She's probably married or something. Grayson smiles back at her, and looks at me to take over the talking.

"So, would you like to leave now or...?" I ask.

"Absolutely. I just have to wait for my boyfriend." She says back, obviously texting him to hurry.

"Okay. We'll just wait here." I politely tell her.

We go to some seats next to where we were in and sit down.

"I'm so sorry we couldn't hang out like normal people G-" of course he interrupts me.

"Alli, we aren't normal. It's not your fault, this is important." He tells me, putting the strand of hair in front of my face behind my ear.

As we cuddle, I hear Keily giggling. Her boyfriend's finally here.

"Guys, this is my boyfriend Jack." I look over.


Memories come flooding back in.

2 years ago-
"Where do you think you're going, betty?"Jack tells me as he continues to slam my head into a locker.

"Leave me alone p-please i-i'll do anything j-just leave me alone."I plead as much as I can as he finally gives in.

"Ok then pretty girl, how about you show me what's going on under that baggy clothes of yours?"he tells me with an evil smirk playing across his face.

"O-okay then, lets do it right now."I tell him scared for my life for what I'm about to do.

As he's pulling my shirt up, mid-bellybutton I grab his hands and twist them as much as I could and smack him in the eyeballs with his hands. I let go as he groans in pain.

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