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Kylie's POV-
I have no idea what's up with this... man.

He tried to compell me, what was I supposed to do? Let him get away with it?

No way. I was already in a bad mood, so of course I had to spill the beans.

Well, he's a Traveler too, I'm pretty sure. I'm strong too, he just underestimates me.

He's probably not the strongest, he's just trying to frighten me. I've been a Traveler not long now, three months.

I was cursed to get the urge to feed on human blood. I'm more of a vampire than witch... if that even makes any sort of sense.

I have the feeling this guy isn't evil, just not good either.

Ethan's POV-
"Oh, we'll I'm Ethan." I tell her, offering to shake her hand.

She slaps it.

"Okay, knock it off. Just tell me what the hell you want." She says, obviously frustrated with me.

"Ouch, sit." I tell her, patting the concrete to the right of me.

"Look, if you get to know me I'm not the bad guy you think i am." I tell her.

She finally sighs and sits down.

"When did you turn." I ask.

"Three months ago." She responds.

"Oh, so you're a newbie. It's hard at first." I tell her.

"How did you turn?" She asks back.

"I didn't. I'm under a spell that keeps me as a Traveler for a day. But if I were permanently a Traveler, than I'd be the strongest." I explain.

"What makes you so sure?" She asks, forwarding her eyes at me.

"Because I'm stronger than my brother." I tell her.

"Oh, so there's a brother. I bet he's hot." She says, lightly laughing.

"He sure is, he's my twin." I respond.

"Oh, what a surprise. Is he a Traveler then?" She asks.

"Yeah, he is. I don't really want to turn into one, even though the feeling is great, I'm sure there's more disadvantages." I tell her.

"Not really, actually. You feel.... almost empowered. You're stronger than anyone else in the world, and you feel like the leader of everything." She tells me.

"You can walk around, not having to worry about there being a murderer or having to be scared to cross the street at night." She tells me.

"But the cons are what really fucks it up." I tell her.

"There bearable I guess you can say. You're brother is lucky he doesn't crave human blood like I do." She tells me.

"How can you live like that, when humans are everywhere?" I ask.

"I don't have a choice. I've gotten just a tiny bit used to it, but it's still complicated, harder than ever." She says.

"Anyways, you say you're the strongest male Traveler in the world, right?" She asks.

"Yeah, I am." I respond.

"Well, then whose the strongest female Traveler?" She asks.

"My brothers girlfriend, my best friend, Allison." I respond.

"Allison." She mutters, forgetting I can hear her.

"You've heard her name before?" I ask.

"How'd you know?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

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