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Allison's POV-
Grayson nor Ethan talk to me. They know how furious I am, I can't even talk.

All though I'm used to this, I still can't help but feel heart broken. Rose was there for me when I needed someone, and for her just to go....

Isn't worth it. It wasn't worth meeting her, not if it meant that she had to die for me.

We finally come home. I can't feel my bones in my body.

I'm a murderer.

Grayson's POV-
Allison just killed four people, without any hesitation. But they deserved it.

They put Allison in uncontrollable pain, and loss.... They deserve everything she did to them.

I look at her, and see that she has no expression across her face what so ever, only tears are flowing down her cheeks.

I just wish I could help Allison, in some way, but I can't bring Rose back, it's impossible now.

We make it home, and Allison opens the door with her mind, I'm surprised she still has loads of energy left.

Ethan gets out the car, a sympathetic look across his face. It crushes me to see Allison like this.

She goes inside and goes to the babies room to check on them. I wait for her in our room.

She comes in, Caleb on one hand and Bella on the other.

She stays smiling for them, even with all the dried blood on her hands.

"Give them to me." I tell her when I realize how shaky her hands are.

She nods and she gives them to me.

"Ethan, can you take them for a while?" I ask.

"Of course." He says, eagerly pulling his hands out for both of them.

"Who wants to play tag?" He asks both of them, smiling.

"Me! Me!" They say at the same time.

He begins to run. Sometimes I forget how much of a child he is.

I go back to our room, seeing Allison sitting on the corner of the bed.

"Allison." I tell her, pulling my hand out to reach it.

"I'm fine, Grayson." She tells me, plastering a smile on her face.

I grab her hand anyway, knowing that she's not really fine. I know when she's trying to hide her emotions, and it's not benefiting anyone.

"You're not okay, Alli." I tell her, looking into her eyes.

"I am." She tells me.

"You don't have to pretend. I know how special she was to you." I say, bringing her into a tight hug.

She finally gives in, starting to cry on my shoulder.

"I just wish I could turn back time, bring her back." She tells me.

I start thinking about Rose, how special she was to Allison.

Then I suddenly get another vision.

"Here comes Rose!" Allison says to Caleb and Bella.

"Aunt Rose!" They both scream, jumping onto her arms.

"Hey, my little monsters." She says, giggling with them.

"Allison." Rose says, walking up to Allison.

"Hey, Rose." Allison says, happily smiling to her.

The vision then abruptly stops, and I realize Allison has been looking at my eyes.

I look at the right, seeing that when she saw I was having another vision, she put her arm on my shoulder, giving me some of her energy.

"What the hell." I mutter, confused on how in the future, Rose is even alive.

"Grayson, how did you just see that?" Allison asks me, rubbing her tears away.

"I have no idea." I tell her, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Grayson, what if you can turn back time, too?" She says, her eyes lighting up.

"Allison, don't jump to conclusions." I tell her.

"I saw the future, that doesn't mean I can turn back time." I tell her, not wanting to get her hopes up.

"Yeah, you're right." I should probably just stop." She says, lightly laughing.

I want to try it out, even if it makes me look like an idiot. I'd do it for Allison, Rose not being here can risk her turning it off again.

And that can not happen, ever again.

I begin to focus on the words Allison said to me earlier, about a minute ago.

"I just wish I could turn back time, bring her back." She said.

I focus, clear on that vision. I feel Allison tap me on the shoulder, confused on what I was doing.

Then I feel this great energy, like a hole sucking me backwards, like what we did after what she said was all going backwards.

"I just wish I could turn back time, bring her back." Allison tells me.

It worked. It actually worked. Not only can I see the future, but I can turn back time.

"Allison." I say.

"What?" She asks, sniffling.

"It worked." I tell her, widely smiling at the great energy and power I have.

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