The 1990's

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Grayson's POV-
Alli just killed someone.

With her mind.

She's more powerful than anyone in the world, I completely realised that.

And here I am, stuck in my damn house because I can't go over there or I'll eat her alive.

I get a call. Allison.

"Hello? Alli?" I ask.

"Come over. She's alive."

She hangs up not waiting for me to awnser.

It worked?

Allison's POV-
"How am I alive"she says not being able to believe it.

"Shut up" I tell her.

I yank her up and fly her to a chair with my mind.

She groans in pain. It's not unexpected, she did just come back from the dead.

"Ugh, can you be little bit more gentle!" She whines.

"I'm not gentle to bitches like you."I snap back at her.

She tries to get out of the chair but I put a spell on her, so she couldn't move one bit.

"You're going to answer truthfully to the questions I ask you, got it?" I tell her.

"Okay okay." She tells me.

"Is there any possible way I could get myself to have a child?" I ask.

She starts uncontrollably laughing.

I twist my hand as much as I could, choking her.

"Be happy I brought you back from the dead, asshole. Now you're going to answer my question, you got me!" I tell her.

She nods her head, so I drop my hand.

"You can." I hear her say.

I knew I could.

"It was in the 15th century. It was an old ritual us Travelers used to do. It was a crazy long time ago.....i-I can't remember." She tells me stuttering.

"You're lying!" I scream at her face.

"I'm not!" She snaps back.

"Do you remember." I compell her.

"No." She tells me back.

I was about to twist my hand again, when someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, it's Gray."

I open the door with my hand.

He comes running to me.

"How the hell did you bring her back to life?" He asks me.

"Let me focus." I tell him.

I look back at her.

"This may hurt a little." I tell her.

"Gray, cover your nose. Tight." I tell him.

He does as I say.

I cut her finger open a little and rub some of her blood on both my fingers.

I press them on both her temples and go to her thoughts.

I specifically demanded to go to her memories.

I close my eyes and I'm suddenly looking in her point of view.

It's shows me when she was barely born.

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