Getting ready

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Allison's POV
I'm heading outside of school when Ethan catches up to me.

"Where do you think you're going, Alli?"he tells me.

"Oh, so I have a nickname now?"I ask.

"Duh, didn't you just hear me?"he tells me sarcastically.

"Ok then turtle boy"I giggle once I said turtle.

"Hey!you're mean"he fake pouts.

"Sucks to suck"I tell him jokingly.

"Hey Ethan, oh hey Allison,so I see you've met Ethan already?"Grayson asks me looking at the two of us back and forth.

"Oh yeah, he's great. So we were thinking on going to buy some pizza and then the movie theaters, and we were thinking on asking you if you wanted to join in?"I tell Grayson making sure I don't stutter.

"Ok,yea!that's you have a ride Allison?"Gray asks me.

"Oh no, I was just about to call my-"

"C'mon Al, don't worry we can take you to my place"Ethan tells me while Grayson agrees.

"Oh okay, that's cool."I smile at them

I thought we were going to their house,why are we going to mine?

Wow,they literally live right next to me.

"What the heck guys, we literally live right next to each other!"I say surprised.

"What?!no way?!" They both say at the same time.

"Yep, my house is right there!well since we live next to each other, I'll go get ready and come over to your place soon,okay?"

"Ok,see you in about 30 minutes!"

"Alright" I'm so excited to go to the movies.i just need to decide on what to wear.i honestly want to look so pretty today.

I do my makeup and I leave my hair in it's natural waves and put a pretty pastel blue dress on with some flowers sowed on top of it and on the sleeves

I'm definitely ready for this. I go over to the Dolan's house and knock about three times. A woman opens the door for me.

"Hi!you must be Allison,I'm Lisa, Ethan and Grayson's mom. "She tells me with the most beautiful smile ever.

"Oh it's so nice to meet you!I've been looking forward to look very pretty honestly!"she's honestly very pretty. I can see where the Dolan's got their looks from.

"Oh thank you honey,well Ethan is upstairs waiting for Grayson to get ready,you can go if you'd like."she tells me with a smile.

"Ok, thank you ma'am"I tell her one final time before going upstairs.

"Ethan?Ethan?"Where are they?


Ethan jumps at me and almost rips my heart out of my chest.

"Oh my gosh Ethan what the heck!you know I could have had a freaking heart attack!" I tell him screaming.

"You should have seen the look on your face Alli!"he tells me laughing. I jokingly pout.

"Aw is the baby mad?would you like a hug?"he talks to me like a baby.

"Alli want a hug."I tell him jokingly

He hugs me tightly as a joke andddd....

"Hey I'm rea- oh,am I interuppting something?"


-page 34

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