Muffled Cries

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Ethan's POV-
Another shameful morning. Great. Expect for the first time in weeks, I didn't drink last night.

I feel like such a coward for doing it. But at the same time, it's the only choice I have to be able to keep myself sane.

It's too early to be awake. Seven in the morning, but once I've woken up i can't fall asleep.

Especially not now, with all my thoughts going everywhere, every second of the day.

I really need to talk to someone, communicate. But the only people i had was Grayson and Allison.

Unless I went back to Jersey, which I sure am not doing.

Everyone will see what a loser I've become.

Grayson's POV-
While waiting in the kitchen to see if Rose can do possibly anything for Allison, she suddenly bursts out the door.

Once she does, she looks more angry than she has ever been. She could probably frighten satan himself.

"Alli, what are you doing?" I ask, running up to her.

She pulls her hand out and stops me. I just hate it when she does that.

"Revenge, Grayson." She tells me, almost growling it.

She can't possibly do anything right now. She knows she's not strong enough, but I can do absolutely nothing about it right now.

Allison's POV-
I need a map, that's it. A map. I need to figure out where these little bitches are at.

I don't even need to go find one, Grayson had one in his car. That's strange.

I fastly put my blood on it. I'm sure we have some common factors in our blood, since she's my doppelganger.

I open my eyes to see where the blood is going to. It's in Illinois, where we were before.... Ethan left.

I realize traveling by car would take longer than I expected, so I decide going barefoot is the way to go.

I get out the car fast, and run faster than ever. Anger boils inside of me, worse and worse by the minute.

They're apparently at these hotels right now. I'm sure Bill's there with them.

They'll be thrilled by my visit.

Let's hope they aren't squeamish with blood.

Ethan's POV-
All I can do right now is go on my phone, play games that don't need internet. There's not even good internet service here.

All I can do now to take my mind off of things is clean, clean something.

I go to the kitchen and clean the table, as if it was even dirty.

Then I abruptly stop to see the first vision of Alli. The first one I've seen in weeks.

All I see is that she's running, running like crazy. I can sense her anger, this time it's over the limits.

When Allison is this angry, it means she's going to kill.

"Alli, stop." I murmur. She can't hear me. Why can't she hear me?

She's definitely even more concentrated on what she's about to do.

I can't let her.

Allison's POV-
It's taking way longer than usual, at least it feels like it. I run non-stop, losing my breath once in a while, not caring.

I make sure to run in the woods, it's not late enough, some teenagers still roam the streets at this time.

As im running, in what seems like hours of running, I finally reach my destination.

The hotel looks destroyed. There's a whole lot of old looking men. Those type of man whores who ride bikes to 'impress' the ladies, even though they couldn't even impress a monkey.

As im walking up the stairs, a man whistles at me.

"Ew." I say, flicking my finger at him, which causes him to fly across the road.

All the other bikers look at me wide eyed, so I look at them back.

"Do you also have something to say?" I ask, my temper getting worse.

They don't respond and leave.

I go up to the room I saw while doing the spell. 442.

I knock on it, which I then realize was a dumb move. I open it with my mind.

As I enter, I check everywhere. No one's here. I check the restroom, kitchen, living room, rooms, nothing.

When I realize no one's even here, I face reality.

I go outside the hotel and fall to my knees. The aching, burning sensation happens again. The feeling I've been feeling every day for weeks now.

Only if Ethan could come back. I wish I could reach him with my mind, but I can't. I've been so weak since he's left.

I start to gasp for air after, knowing that would happen to me, just like it does everyday.

I hold on to my knees and cry. I don't care if I'm disturbing the neighbors. No one can feel the way I feel right now.

I start to talk out loud, as if Ethan could ever hear me.

"Please, Ethan. Why did you leave me." I say, crying out loud.

"I'm breaking every day without you." I whisper.

"Only if I could see you, feel you." I say. I get up, feeling like such a coward.

I can't live like this. Not if it means I'm endangering my boyfriend's life, not if it means my best friend has to be apart from me, not if it means I will never be the same again.

I fastly get up and head for the stairs. I don't care what I have to do at this point. I'm a burden to this world.

As im about to walk downstairs, I notice a figure on the very bottom. I can't exactly put my finger on it, until I hear a beautiful, familiar voice.

Once I do, I feel all my bones repair in my body, my breathing become normal again.

Me becoming normal again.

"Allison?" The voice says.

Ethan says.

-page 620

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