The Father

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Allison's POV-
I can't exactly eat the pancakes correctly when all these thoughts are running through my head.

What if it is Ethan's? What if it's Grayson's, and just out of coincidence was born faster than usual?

"Alli? Alli?" I snap back to reality and hear Rose calling for me.

"Huh, what?" I ask, fastly looking up at her.

She hurries next to me, knowing that something's up.

"What did Ethan tell you, Allison?" She asks me.

"I really don't want to talk about it right now." I tell her, playing with the fork on my plate.

"Alli, you have to" I interrupt her. God I interrupt people so much.

"You know what, I'm actually not that hungry anymore, im exhausted. Thanks." I say, giving her a hug, fastly running to the room before she says anything else.

"Ethan, what the hell are you still doing here?" I ask getting very irritated.

"We need to tell Grayson." He tells me, coming closer.

I pull my hand out, signaling for him to get the hell away from me.

"We do not have to tell him anything. This is his baby, and no one elses." I tell him.

"Well, we don't know." He responds.

"I know, Ethan. I know. It's my baby, and I'm carrying it. I'm sure I know much more than you do." I tell him.

"Why are you being like this, Alli? First you're all over me, and ten seconds later you leave." He tells me.

"What's your explanation, to keep on hurting me more and more?" He tells me, getting closer.

He's close enough to where I can feel his breath on me.

"Look, I- I don't know. It's just, complicated. " I tell him.

"How am I any different than Grayson?" He asks, trying to grab my hand but I pull it away.

"Ethan, it's just, I don't want to tell you anything that will risk you leaving me again." I tell him, looking down.

"I already promised you I wasn't leaving, I'm determined to keep that promise." He tells me.

"It's just, I'm actually in love with Grayson. That's the difference." I tell him, looking to see what his facial response is.

He clenches his jaw. He only does that when he's hurt or furious. At this point I think he's both.

"Okay, I get it." He tells me.

"I'm sorry, Ethan. I won't mess with you again." I tell him, feeling ashamed that I even had to tell him that.

He just nods his head and leaves the room. I'm actually exhausted. I just want to lay in bed and do completely nothing.

I wait and once Ethan leaves the room, Grayson comes in.

He smiles once he sees me, and comes to me, almost in a hurry.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He asks, kissing my forehead.

"No, I'm fine. Just come here and lay in bed with me." I tell him, patting the place next to me.

He comes and starts to touch my bump, cooing at it, his eyes gleaming of joy.

"You're going to have the best mom and dad in the whole world." He says, grabbing onto my hand.

This is all I've ever wanted, a family of my own. It may be all over the place, but it still counts.

Ethan's POV-
I peek to see Grayson and Allison all happy, talking to the nonborn baby. I know that baby is mine.

Alli just won't admit it. I'll prove it to her, somehow. I can't believe Grayson actually believed Allison's little fairy tale.

A baby can't grow that fast in a span of what, a week? That's just crazy.

She'd turned her emotions about three months ago, and we had a moment.

Our situation makes more sense than Grayson and her's does. She's in denial.

As im peeking, I hear someone opening the door.

"Finally." I hear someone say, sighing. Nate.

He comes in, putting all the luggage aside and jumping on a couch.

"What the hell? You two were gone for like a whole week!" I said.

"Well, you were gone for about a whole two months." Nate tells me.

I just roll my eyes.

"Hey, where's Allison anyway?" He asks, getting up from the couch to go find her.

"She's in her room."I tell him before I go to mine. I know what to expect from these morons. 'Grayson this!' 'Allison that!'. Pure bullshit.

Allison's POV-
As Grayson's tickling my stomach, i hear a slight creek at the door. It's probably Ethan.

I see and it's actually Nate, I get up fastly, but have to slowly get up. It feels like carrying a bowling ball.

I begin to walk up to him to give him a hug.

"How have you guys been! Where did you guys go?" I ask cheerfully.

"In the middle of nowhere, I suppose. Keily didn't exactly give me directions, she told me she could use GPS, what ever the hell that is." He tells me.

I begin to laugh at his dumbness.

I let go and he realizes my bump. He looks confused at first, but then he realizes I'm pregnant.

He looks stunned, looking then at me with blooming eyes.

-page 657

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