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Allison's POV-
My mind has tooken over.

"You can't die." Grayson tells me.

"Why not? I'll be at peace." I tell him, with a calm voice.

"But I won't, Allison. You're immortal, you can't die.


He's right. I'm immortal, I'm not supposed to die. Not yet.

Grayson's POV-
The violent pain is trying to take away my body. I scream in agony, feeling every second that the venom washes my bones away.

I don't know what to do. I've bitten her everywhere, trying to revive her. But it's not working.

Then I remember the spell she did. The spell she did on Katie long ago.

"Grayson, don't." Ethan tells me, obviously reading my thoughts.

"This is the only way she'll come back, don't you want her back?" I ask.

"Of course, but there has to be another way." He tries to reason.

"This is the only way, Ethan." I tell him.

"Grayson, you just turned. You aren't as strong as Allison is, no one is." Rose tells me.

"I don't care, I need to try." I tell them.

"Yaeud 'iilaa alhaya" I say, remembering Alli's saying it two years ago.

I say it over and over again, blood seeping viciously through my nostrils.

I put both hands on her chest, hoping that then, it'll work.

"Yaeud 'iilaa alhaya" I say louder, hoping it'll work. It doesn't. She's still the way she was a minute ago.

"Rose, we need to merge our power together." I tell her.

"That's impossible, it doesn't work like that to bring someone back to life." She tells me.

"Well, what else can you do?" I eagerly ask.

Then I remember. Giving some of your blood to a injured Traveler can heal them, giving all your blood can bring one back to life.

"Do not even think about it Gray." Ethan warns.

"This is the only way that she'll survive. It's worth the risk." I tell him.

I go through the pocket on her pants, knowing she still has the knife I gave her at the movie theatre three years ago.

I grab it and cut my arm.

Blood immediately rushes out. I put it against her mouth.

I feel the blood draining away from my body. I feel myself growing more and more unconscious by the second.

I make sure to have a good grip, so my hand doesn't slip away when I feel weak.

I feel my legs start to shake, due to the horrible loss of blood. I can barely hold myself up.

I then fall onto my knees, heavily breathing. I'm so weak, I can't feel the agony running through my body anymore.

I'll do anything for Allison, even if it means my life has to come to an end.

Allison's POV-
What is Grayson doing? I feel someone start to feed me blood, I know it's Grayson. No one else in the world would be doing that but him.

Did he turn? He needs to know that I'm trying my best to wake up, that him risking his life is a waste.

I try to communicate with Ethan, with every single spark of energy I have left.

Grayson's POV-
I start to breathe even more harder, feeling the oxygen disappear.

No one stops me, they can't. I made sure to put them in place.

For some reason, I'm stronger than any of them. Even though Rose turned me, I should have the same strength as she does.

But I don't, I'm almost as equal to Allison.

I feel myself start to go unconcious, giving her the last droplets of my blood left, until I hear someone heavily breathe, as if waking up from a horrible nightmare.


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