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Allison's POV-
We come back to our hotel room.

Well me and Gray. We only have each other for now.

I fly Nathaniel to a chair and leave him tied up until he wakes up. I'm sure while we're asleep he won't wake up.

If he does I'll be able to sense it fast.

Traveler blood and all....

"Hey Gray, we can sleep now, he won't wake up. If he does, I can immediately sense it." I tell him.

He just nods.

"Grayson, look at me." I tell him.

He does.

"We're going to get him back. No matter what it takes. If I have to kill Nathaniel, I will. I'll do whatever it takes to get my best friend and your brother back. I swear to you." I tell him.

"I just hope it works. I dont know what I would do without my brother." He tells me.

"We will get him back."

"I promise." I tell him.

He know I never break promises. I never do. This will work and I know it.

"Get some rest Gray. I'm going to be checking my Grimmore for any spells that could help out." I tell him playing with his hair.

"Alright. Goodnight, Al." He tells me kissing me.

I walk over to the other bed to check out any spells.

Ethan's POV-
I-I feel lonely over here. I don't think Alli could ever find any type of spell to get me away from here, considering my body disappeared.

It's like I have no one here, i feel empty.

No emotions, feelings, nothing.

At least I got to pass next to my brother, my best friend.

Allison's POV-
I find one spell that can help me find his body.

I went through more and found one that helps me bring someone back from heaven, but Eth is on the other side.

I found another one that breaks a wall, like an invisible one from one world to ours.

That's it. If you put all of them together, help find the body, bring someone from heaven and I can break the wall for Eth to pass through, I can do it.

But then I look at the bottom of the page.

Do this at your own risk
Risks are:memory loss, loss of powers or even death.

As I said before, I don't care. As long as I bring Ethan back, that's all that matters as of right now.

I just can't show Gray how risky this is. He would try to find another way of doing this and wouldn't let me do it on my own.

I need to prepare myself for this. I've decided not to use any of my powers as of now, not even hand powers. I need to fuel myself, but the only way to do that is Traveler blood.

I can't have someone as my pet giving me blood. That's just unacceptable.

"Hey, Gray?" I say about 3 times.

"Yeah, what's up?" He tells me still laying in bed.

"I just found a way to bring Ethan back." I tell him smiling.

He immediately gets up

"I can't believe it, you really did?" He tells me relieved.

"Yes, I did Gray. I'm bringing him back." I tell him.

"Wait, but isn't their a big risk to that?" He asks me.

I hate lying to him, but this time it's a good cause.

"Just some blood on my nose that's all." I tell him.

"Alli, please contact Ethan. I want to see him, but I want to be able to feel him." Gray pleads.

I can't tell him no, because then he's going to ask why and I can't excatly tell him"oh it's because I don't want to die while doing the spell for Ethan to come back."

"Okay, I'll try." I tell him.

I start the spell.

After 3 tries, we're in the place with white endless walls.

"Ethan?" I hear Gray say.

Grayson's POV-
"Ethan?" I ask hoping he would turn around.

He does. His eyes are puffy, like he hasn't stopped crying since he came here.

He comes running to me to give me a big hug.

"Great news, Ethan." I tell him happily.

"I've missed you. So much." He tells me.

"What's the great news?" He asks letting me go.

"Alli found a way for you to come back." I tell him waiting for his reaction.

"No, she can't right?" Ethan says not being able to believe it.

"She can!" I tell him.

"Alli, you're putting yourself in great risk." Ethan tells her.


"Grayson, I didn't really tell you the whole story." She tells me with a guilty expression.

Allison's POV-
"In order to do this, the risks are either memory loss, loss of powers or even...."

"Even what, Alli? He asks.

"Death." I tell him.

"No way, Alli. There's another way right?" He asks.

"No Gray. And Ethan... t-there's also something you have to do in order to be able to go through." I tell him scared to reveal it to him.

"What is it, Alli?" Ethan asks.

"You have to.."


-page 263

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