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Allison's POV-
"Let go." I tell Grayson before I go to my room. This isn't how I wanted things to end up.

I hate how I just say stuff out of the blue and don't think about it before I blurt it out. My life would be a hell of a lot easier right now if I did.

Grayson comes running to my room.

"Alli, please. I'm so confused on what's happening right now." Grayson tells me, holding my hands.

"It's nothing you have to worry about." I tell him, wiping the tears off my cheek.

"Alli, I just saw you and Ethan crying at each other. I'm sure there's something wrong." He tells me.

"He left." Is all i say. I'm sure he understands what I mean by that.

"What? Why alli?" He asks.

"The same reason as when he tried to leave before." I tell him.

"What? He wanted to leave before? You told me he was going to go get groceries." He tells me, confused.

"Well, I was lying. He still has feelings for me." I tell him, rubbing the back of my neck in frustration.

I see Grayson's vein pop out of his forehead, he's mad. Either because I lied to him or because of Ethan.

"But that doesn't give him a good reason to leave, Alli. What else did you tell him?" He asks me, holding both my hands.

"I told him that I only love you and only you, and that if he's going to keep on thinking about me that way then we can't be friends." I tell him.

His head snaps at me when I tell him the part of me not wanting to be friends, but it's not true. It was the moment that caused me to say that.

"Look, I just want to be alone. Please." I tell him, giving him a hug.

"I'm going to take a bath or something." I tell him.

"Okay, I'll go Alli. I love you." He tells me, kissing my forehead.

"And I love you." I tell him, giving him a faint smile before going into the restroom.

I just want to take the longest bath in the whole world. Go to sleep for the longest time in the world.

I feel so, dead. Not one of my best friends has had that type of impact on me.

This is the biggest fight me and Ethan had been in for two years, probably the only one we've been in.

All I've got is Grayson now.

I go into the bath and just stay there, almost paralyzed. Thinking about nothing really.

It's like tears are still flowing down my eyes, yet no facial expressions are happening around my face.

I've never experienced this before, it seems exaggerated over the fact that my emotions are heightened since I'm a Traveler.

I go through my phone and while on it, I get an anonymous text on my phone.

Blocked ID- Did you miss your daddy, my ray of sunshine? -B

What in the. It's probably just Grayson trying to cheer me up or something. Or just a prank text. I let it slide.

I go through my phone and in a span of a minute, I get another text.

Blocked ID- Meet me behind the park, or Ethan pays. -B

Who the hell is this B guy? I don't know if he's even playing around. I text back.

Me: Who the hell are you?

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