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Allison's POV-
All Bella has been able to do is stuff that Ethan can do.

There's not one thing that they can do like Grayson, which really does worry me.

I look over at Ethan, immediately noticing that he's reading my mind.

"Stop trying to convince yourself." Ethan tells me through our minds.

"I'm not trying to. We'll talk later about this, not now." I tell him back.

"Okay." He simply says.

"Hey, do you guys want some ice cream?" Grayson asks Bella and Caleb.

"Yes!" They respond, jumping up and down.

"Alright, Ethan will take you." Grayson says.

"What, what about-" he interrupts me. God I hate it when he does that.

"I'm going to train for a little, gotta get stronger than you." He tells me.

"Okay, but news flash, that's impossible." I tell him, slightly laughing.

"We'll see." He responds.

"Alli, you'll come too, right?" I ask her.

She gives me a confused look, and I widen my eyes as a sign of what she said we would talk about.

"Oh, yeah sure." She says, smiling.


We finally get there, after years it seems. I'm so nervous to talk about this, I don't want Allison to be devestated.

Part of me thinks they're mine, but mostly I'm sure they aren't.

It's always been Grayson, just like she's told me before.

I feel like I'm not obsessed with Allison as I was before. Her having actual children changed the perspective of which I thought of her.

"Hey, do you guys want to go play in the machines?" Allison asks them.

"Yes mommy!" They both say, big smiles across their faces.

"Okay, go ahead." She tells them.

They go to the cashier and they begin to compell her for some tokens. She's such a great influence.

"Do you think the could possibly be yours?" She asks me.

"I don't know." I tell her.

"It almost makes more sense in your case. I mean we had sex two months before I knew I was pregnant." She tells me.

"I know, but what if they're Grayson's?" I ask.

"I really hope they are. I don't know what I'd do if they were yours." She says, running her hands through her hair.

"We can't take that happiness away from him Alli. He's too happy, it would kill me to take that away from him." I tell her.

"You're such a nice brother." She says, laughing.

I laugh a little with her. We somehow always find ourselves happy in the worst times.

"Three years ago, we were sitting in an Art room. And now here we are, sitting at a child's ice cream shop." I tell her, smiling at the fact that I was so embarassing in that Art class.

"Yeah, I'm glad I met you and Grayson." She tells me.

"Well, we need to figure it out, Ethan." She tells me.

"We do, before he gets a vision from the future and figures it out himself." I tell her.

"How are we going to, though? We can't casually go to a normal hospital, they'll know that we aren't normal." She tells me.

"That's why we can compell." I tell her.

"God I'm so dumb! You're right!" She says, joyfully laughing.

"Let's go." I tell her.

We begin to walk out when some woman stops us.

"Oh, are these your babies!?" She asks, kneeling down to meet them.

"Oh, n-" she interrupts me.

"Wow, the girl look a lot like the wife, the boy like the husband." She says.

"You got lucky with this one." The woman says, pointing at me.

My face immediately flushes, my cheeks as hot as fire.


Grayson's POV-
I feel bad that Ethan still thinks he's stronger than me.

Well, I made him think that. Oh well.

I start by trying to cut a tree outside in half with my mind.

I struggle for a second, but I then successfully cut it with ease.

I start to focus, when I suddenly get a vision. Except this one isn't from the future, like twenty years.

I can tell this ones from only twenty minutes to the future.

"So, what is it, doctor?" Allison asks the doctor.

"God ,Allison I'm so nervous." Ethan tells Allison.

"Don't worry, this time we'll know for sure." She says.

"What is it?" Allison asks the doctor.

"Oh my god." The doctor says.

What the hell are they doing?

What ever they're doing, it definitely isn't going to be without me.

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