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Allison's POV-
I can't get much sleep. Keily and Ethan were seconds from being in great danger. Everyone's in their separate rooms, I'm with Grayson of course.

I have to talk to someone about this, I feel like I'll explode if I don't. I look over at Grayson, he's fast asleep.

I very quietly get up from the bed to go to Ethan's room.

I tip toe all the way over there, and quietly open the door.

I go in and see that Ethan's on his phone. He looks over and smiles.

"Can't get much sleep either, huh?" He asks, getting up from his bed.

"Nope. Can we talk about it? It's killing me not being able to talk to anybody about this." I tell him.

"Of course, let's go to the couches." He says while I lead the way there.

We both sit down next to each other.

"Does it not exhaust you? Having these visions?" I ask.

"A little bit actually. It's weird because it stills happens, even when I'm not supernatural." He says.

"Yeah, we're technically linked to each other." I respond, laughing.

"Yeah." He says laughing.

"You know, if it weren't for the visions, you and Keily could be dead right now." I say, getting goosebumps by even just the thought of it.

"Don't worry Allison, we're still here." He tells me.

"Well, it's my fault you two had to encounter 'Allison' and 'Grayson'." I tell him.

"Look, cut yourself some slack. It wasn't even your fault, you were no where near us." He tells me.

"Well from now on we have to stick together, always." I tell him, looking up at him.

"We will, I promise." He says, looking back at me.

I make the mistake of giving him a wrong smile. He tenses up and looks at me for what seems forever.

"Uhm, so... what do you want to do?" He asks.

"You know what? There hasn't been one time where I got to just hang out with you. Let's go somewhere." I tell him, grabbing his wrist.

"Alli, where exactly?" He asks, slightly laughing.

"How about we go to the mall? I mean it's not open but it doesn't have to be." I tell him.

"Allison, you're crazy." He tells me.

"I'm just... not normal." I tell him, grinning.

He scoffs. We get in my car and drive off to the mall.

"Are you sure Alli? What if we get caught?" He says.

"We won't, I'll make sure of it." I tell him.

"You better not be smashing any cameras with that brain of yours." He tells me, laughing.

"Not much of a choice, is there?" I tell him before we get out of the car.

I skip until we get to the entrance.

I look over at Ethan and see that he has a confused look plastered across his face, so I jusr grin at him.

With my mind I make a little entrance, this won't hurt. It doesn't use up much magic anyway, I'm sure Nate won't get pushy.

"You're such a badass." I hear Ethan mutter.

All the lights are off, so I turn them on.

"Allison, they'll see outside that there's light in here." Ethan tells me in a concerned voice.

"Who do you think that you're talking to? I mean you're technically talking to a witch right now. I really need to figure out a spell to make you the least bit smart." I tell him, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Well, I'm sure that dumbasses can't make other people smart." He tells me, laughing at his own little comment.

"Watch it, kid. I can smash you into pieces." I tell him, walking into a candy store.

"Oh my gosh, look! Kit Kat!" I scream like a child. I take it and open the wrapper.

I look at Ethan smuggling some of the good candy.

"Woah there, you don't get to take all of it." I say, running at him to steal some of the candy he has wrapped up on his shirt.

"Hey!" He screams, tickling me. I uncontrollably laugh.

"Please? Just a little bit." I plead.

"Okay! Fine. Just a little bit." He says. I squeal.

As im reaching, I accidentally touch his abs. I look to see his expression, he's obviously blushing.

God damn it, I didn't want to make him feel that way. I'll just pretend like I didn't realize I just did that.

"Thanks!" I say, getting ready to go to the other stores.

He catches up with me. I enter a Louis Vuitton store.

"Oh my gosh. Hell yea!" I scream when I see all the high quality clothes they have.

Me and Ethan grab a bunch of it and leave the store. After we do all our shop- stealing I mean, we go to this little ice cream store they have in there.

We both grab some ice cream and sit down on the floor.

"You have to admit, this was fun as hell." I say, looking at him to see his response.

"Best day of my life. I mean I got to steal clothes, especially with my favorite girl in the world." He says, playfully bumping my shoulder. I respond with a smile.

"I hope none of this makeup I got is expired or I'll end up looking like a swollen goat." I tell him.

"Damn Alli. I though you already looked like one?" He playfully says.

"Whatever." I tell him, laughing. After we finish our ice cream, I put a little spell on the cameras to not remember that its captured any of our stealing spree.

"Woah, hold up. When we get out those doors everyone's gonna be able to see. Let's me make all this stuff disappear for a little." I tell him.

"You can do that?" He asks in disbelief.

"Hell yeah." I tell him before I start the spell.

"Just don't make it look like your falling for no reason." I tell him before we leave.

As we walk, of course Ethan does the first thing I told him not to do.

"You know, you should be an actor." I tell him once we get in the car.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure actors nowadays act the scene 'holding legit invisible bags.' He tells me, I laugh.

The whole car ride we jam to some Tame Impala. Ethan's just great. I feel like if there was someone I could share all of secrets to, it would be Ethan.

"I didn't realize how late it is." I tell him, looking at my clock to see it's already 7 in the morning, usually the time that Grayson wakes.

"Don't worry, we'll be there in 5." He tells me.

The bags have appeared again. We're carrying like 20 different things.

When we walk in, we laugh uncontrollably by the fact that neither of us can actually walk straight.

"Alli, you're gonna make me pee my-"

He stops when he sees Grayson looking at both of us, his jaw clenched.

Why is he so angry?

-page 531

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