Lost Memories

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Ethan's POV-
I'm so confused at the moment. All I'm hearing Allison say is 'we will have each other's backs, always'. And all i see is Nate in disbelief.

"Okay, what the hell is happening excatly, Nate?" I ask him, probably a bit too loud.

"Shh, come with me." He says, heading out of the room, to the couches.

"She, the real Allison is with her at night. I've never seen anything like it." Nate tells me, smiling.

"Well, what did she say that was sooo... special?" I ask confused.

"When we were children, we would always say that to each other, that we had each other's backs. She never mentioned remembering that, she didn't even know I was alive. She probably thought it was an old friend or something." He says, scoffing.

"If she remembers it to this day, Nate... I don't think it's just some old memory. I feel like it was special to her... like she's holding on to that memory." I tell him, making up a plan.

"And when we were getting.... involved in the room, she was looking at my scar, the scar I got whenever I tried to save her from Katie possessing her body. She looked like her feelings were trying to take over, but she wouldn't let them." I tell him.

"But it can't just be us, Grayson has to be there somewhere." Nate tells me, thinking.

"That's it! Whenever Grayson gets hurt or isn't safe, emotions trigger all over her. She gets flushed with anger and she lashes out." I tell him.

"But, I feel like you'll be the biggest impact on her Nathaniel. It's like you've been with her all your life, I know it." I tell him.

I'm sure that Nate can trigger some feeling into her.

"Anyways, where did that Lyal guy go?" I ask.

"He's in a room right now, he's not leaving until Allison is completely herself again." He responds.

"Oh, alright. Talk about people, I need to go find Grayson. I'm sure I know where he's at." I tell him, getting up.

It's 4 in the morning. He's probably drowning himself in some FroYo.

I get in the car and drive slowly. I feel like I might suddenly smack Allison with my car on the ride over there.

In about 5 minutes I get there. I'm so nervous I'm sweating. I've betrayed my brother so many times, I don't get how he still accepts me.

I go in and of course, Grayson is in the corner.

Before I walk over to him, I wipe the sweat off my forehead.

I clear my throat. He immediately looks up, with bloodshot eyes.

"Grayson? Can I sit?" I ask nervously.

He nods, but in like a 'yeah sit so I can smack the living shit out of you' type of way.

"Look, I'm sorry. I don't know what came ov-" he interrupts me.

"Stop, Ethan. You've told me I'm sorry for so long now, I'm tired of it. I've forgiven you too much times, and I'm tired of it. Let's just... forget about it, okay?" He tells me, not even taking a single breath through that whole paragraph.

"O-Okay. If you say so. This will never happen again, I promise." I tell him with a serious face.

"Oh, I know it won't Ethan." He tells me.

"Yeah, why so sure of it?" I tell him, nervously laughing.

"Because I'll sure as hell make sure of it." He tells me with malicious eyes.

Jesus for a second I though I was talking to the devil himself.

Guess I deserved that, or a punch on the face.

Nathaniel's POV-
I dont think I'll make sure a great impact on Allison. I feel nervous. What if I do try and get her back and fail? I'll be so ashamed of myself.

I go back to Allison's bed to check on her, just in case she says anything else that can help.

She keeps on saying 'we will have each other's backs, always' over and over again but nothing else.

An hour has passed and nothing what so ever.

Then I see her changing up the words, leaving some out, until she makes an actual full sentence.

'I want to kill mother for leaving him. I want to kill mother for leaving him.'

What the? She does not. I'm sure of it. I'm starting to think this was actually just another bust.

-page 467

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