It's like Magic

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Allison's POV-
I dont think I did that,did I? Can I suddenly control things to go my way by only using my mind?I have to test this out.

Maybe that's why I'm having these side effects... having perfect hearing and eyesight, heightened feelings, everything. I have to try this out.

I start to think on what I should try to do. I see there's a vase in the room.

I looked at it. But then I realised that wasn't enough. I actually had to focus on that one thing, and demand it to do as I say.

I look at it intently and repeat telling the vase what to do. Within seconds the vase is slowly coming at me, in the pace as I command. Halfway through the way it was coming to me, I was distracted by someone coming through the door and suddenly the vase falls onto the floor and shatters, shit.

I have to clean this up fast but how, I'm usually a slow runner so I try super hard with all my strength. And all of the sudden, within a second I'm laying in bed. Great. I also have incredible speed like The Flash. I pretend to be on my phone so they think they heard something shatter through my phone.

"Ma'am are you alright?" The nurse tells me.

"Oh yeah, sorry I was on my phone and I didn't realize it was on full volume" I tell her with a "I'm so stupid" look plastered across my face.

"It's okay honey, just try not to do it again, please." She tells me.

"Ok I will ma'am" I tell her.

"My names Rosalie." She tells me.

She's about to shake my hand and I reach out to her. As my hand is out she had this weird black glove on. When I took her hand it burned me really bad. I pull my hand out and I grasp my hand as I see cuts on them. Thankfully they recovered fast, but Rosalie saw. She looks at me in awe, fascinated at what she just saw.

"I knew I wasn't the only one." the nurse tells me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask her.

"You're one of me, a Traveler."The nurse tells me.

What?she has the same powers as me?

"What in the hell is a Traveler?!"That's sound like some silly Marvel Movie character. But I tell her pleading for an explanation.

"I know it's a lot to sink in. But it has it's ups and downs to being one. The pro's are all your emotions are heightened, you heal fast, you can hear and see very well, and you have super speed, it's a lot to take in."

She tells me.

"The con is, you have to stay in the dark. One little move you do in public and scientists will come and get you."

"Please nurse, help me. I-I don't know what to do" I tell her desperate.

"I will, I promise you. How about i secretly take you out of here and we go practice in the woods?" She asks me.

Of course I accept, or if not I don't know what I would do with these powers I suddenly got.

We finally reach the woods. And she puts an empty water bottle in front of me.

"Go ahead, show me what you got" the nurse tells me.

I pull my hand out to the bottle, and demand it to do as I say. The bottle slowly comes to me and it was close enough for me to reach it. When I do all these different tricks with my hands, I'm all fine. But with mind control, my nose starts to bleed.

"Okay, good. Let's try something a little harder."

She pulls out a mini 80's TV. It looked like it weighed about 20 pounds. This time I try to do it with my mind. As I stare at the TV, it comes to the air and I grab it. Oh and I forgot to mention, I'm a hell of a lot stronger than I used to be.

"Man this is so much fu-"

"Alli?What the hell do you think you're doing outside in the woods with this nurse?"

Oh my god.


-page 68

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