Bad News

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Allison's POV-
"Hey Gray?" I say.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Can you stay for a little? I need to tell you something." I tell him.

"You too Rosalie." I catch her by surprise.

"Oh, okay." She says sitting back down.

"First of all, do you know how I turned?" I ask Gray.

"Not really." He tells me.

"Well, apparently it's because my mom's genes passed on to me, and while at it these creepy crawlers stuck on to those genes, so that's why I have these powers." I explain.

"Well, why did you barely get these powers?" Gray asks.

"Well I had to, you know fully develop to have them." I explain.

"The other way someone can turn is if for example, I bit someone and injected venom into their system." I tell him.

"So if I wanted to become like you, all you would have to do is bite me? That seems simple." He says.

"Oh, it's no where near simple." Rosalie interrupts.

"First of all, once she injects her teeth into you, the venom immediately spreads, it's uncontrollable pain, you can't move or speak, it feels like someone's firing your insides." She tells him.

"And if Alli was for example, to turn you or anyone, you would have the same powers as her, So if you think about it, you could be as powerful as her. Think about it as king and queen." She tells him.

"Usually human and Traveler relationships don't last as long as you would want, Alli." She tells me.

"And why is that?" I ask holding Gray's hand.

"Because you're immortal, Alli. Normal Travelers are meant to live only 5 centuries, or less if they get a gunshot on the heart. But you on the other hand, a gunshot won't kill you. Nothing can, unless someone finds a way too. So technically Grayson will grow old, and you'll stay the same as you were a week ago." She explains.

"I don't care. I plan on being with Grayson forever." I say looking at him and caressing his cheek.

"The only way you guys can be together forever Alli, is if you turn him into one of you, immortal forever. Right now it's only about 70 years, not forever. I'm sorry to break it to you like this." She tells me.

I would never turn him into one of me, a monster. I don't want him to go through that.

"And there's another problem too." She says.

I can tell she's going to tell him.

"When Alli turned into partially a vampire, her eggs deteriorated... So she can't have babies."

When she says this, I look over at Grayson. His face drops. He looks devestated.

"Come on, Rose. I'm the most powerful Traveler. I'm pretty sure I can cook up a little spell and were good to go." I tell her trying to make Grayson a bit happier.

"I'm afraid it doe-"

"It. Will. Work" I tell her.

I know it will.

"Okay then, if you say so Alli." She says. As she leaves I close the door with my hand.

I can feel Gray grab my hand. I look up at him and I can see a tear come out from his eye.

"Gray, please. I'll figure out a way out of this okay? I know I will." I tell him.

Grayson's POV-
I feel like curling up in a ball and staying like that forever. It upsets me so much that we cant have any babies, but I love her. I wouldn't leave her because of that.

"You know what, let's go outside. It's dark. I'm taking you somewhere." I tell her.

"What?where?" She asks me.

"You'll see." I tell her grinning.

I decided to take her to the lake.

I set up a little picnic to the side.

"Come on, get in." I tell her.

"What?!no!" She tells me.

"If you say so." I push her into the lake.

"Hey!" She screams when she reaches the surface.

She pulls her hand out and I know she's up to something.

Damn it.

She pulls me into the water next to her.

"What the hell Alli!" I scream at her laughing.

"Karmas a bitch." She tells me.

She pulls me closer to her and we kiss. I love her so much.

We get out and we eat the sandwiches I made.

Once we get in the car, it's about 3 in the morning.

When we head to my house. I take her to my room.

We lay in bed and we watch TV.

These little moments are the ones I'll cherish forever.

That's it.

I want to be with her. Forever.

Allison's POV-
We're in his bed, and all of the sudden he pulls me up.

"Alli?" He asks.

"Yeah, whats up."I ask.

"I've made my decision."

Decision about what?

"About what excatly?" I ask, confused.

"I want to be with you forever. I love you so much. I want to have children with you, marry you and have more memories to come." He tells me holding my hand.

"What are you saying, Gray?" I ask terrified.

"I want to be one of you."

-page 175

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