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Allison's POV-
She dresses like we still live in the 1950's. That must mean I'm way younger than she is.

"What do we do?" Ethan asks, panicking.

"Get over here." I tell him, grabbing onto his wrist and bringing him into the women's bathroom, Grayson's doppelganger was in the men's.

Of course women start to scream, so I tell them to leave, and they do as I say.

"Look, I know you may feel like people can see us when we go out those doors, but they can't okay?" I tell him.

"aikhtafaa" I say twice before I open my eyes.

"Okay, it's done. You go to the passengers seat in the car while I go get Grayson, okay?" I tell him.

"Alright, just don't get caught." He says hugging me.

"Yeah, I don't think the boss here has invisible people detectors." I tell him, laughing.

He rolls his eyes. As we walk outside of the bathroom, we make sure to close it softly.

I see Ethan walking so tense, it's sad because every time we walk near someone he flinches.

"Look, she's over there." Ethan quietly whispers.

"She looks exactly like me." I say in disbelief.

We part ways so I can go find Grayson while Ethan goes to the car.

I quietly walk up to Grayson. He's still eating super quietly, it's crazy he hasn't realized that my doppelganger was here.

I tap on his shoulder and he looks my way.

"What the-"

"Gray, it's me Alli. We need to leave now before my doppelganger sees you. She can come over here anytime now and you could get busted." I whisper.

"Too late." He whispers back.

Oh no.

"Hey, what are you doing all the way over here?" She asks Grayson.

"Oh, I don't know." Gray responds, nervously laughing.

"Well, I don't think our long lost twins live here where Bill told us, he was probably scamming us or something." She tells him, sighing.

"Remind me of what we were gonna do with them again?" Grayson asks her.

"Don't you remember? Bill told us we had to kill them for our safety?" She tells him.

Oh, so they wanted to kill us.

"Wait, how did you somehow get earrings?" She asks Grayson.

"Wait, you're him, aren't you?" She asks, grinning.

Grayson tries to run, but she gets a hold of him. Hell no.

I fly her wrist away from him and get her by the neck.

"You don't hurt him again, ever." I tell her, whispering it.

I'm glad that my powers have heightened. I don't even have to look people in the eye to compell anymore.

"You're going to forget this ever happened. You came to an old friend, just to say hi. And if he asks you why you needed Ethan, you're going to tell him Keily wanted nothing serious." I compell.

"I understand." She responds.

"Come on, let's go" I tell him before we jolt out of this place.

"God, that was so close." I tell them.

"She had a necklace on, Allison. It said that her name was apparently Alice." Grayson tells us.

"Do you know what your doppelgangers name is?" Ethan asks Grayson.

"Nope, I have no idea about that one at all." Grayson tells him, sighing.

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out." I tell him, holding his hand.

We finally get home. I'm exhausted, I've been using way too much magic. The deadlines in 5 days, and all I've done is use my powers.

It's like whatever people tell me not to do, I do anyway.

I hug Ethan goodnight and go to my bed. I take my heels off and put some pajamas on. I could use a nap right about now.

Grayson climbs next to me, putting his hand under my shoulder.

"God, what if it didn't work?" Grayson asks.

"It did, I compelled her. Don't worry Gray, we're safe. I promise" I say, hugging him closer to me.

Bill's POV-
People can't always keep promises, not when they don't know whats really coming for them soon.

Poor Allison, she really thought she killed me. I don't think she gets it when people tell her "supernatural beings have a doppelganger."

I couldn't give a damn of that man she killed. Fool me once Allison, you can get away with it. Fool me twice,

And you're dead.

-page 548

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