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Ethan's POV-
I can't just stay here, calm. I mean what the hell is happening over there? Did they find anything? Did they kill him? Did he kill them?

"How the hell are you as calm as a pony right now?!" I ask Nate walking in circles.

"Look, Allison is strong, strong enough to take him down. He's just a normal human being, he has nothing against her." Nate tells me, rolling his eyes.

"You never know, okay? I can't just stay here and not worry. No way. I have to go." I say, grabbing my stuff and going to the car.

Nate tries to stop me, but that's not going to work.

The two most important people in my life are probably in danger, and I can't just stay here and not worry.

I have to call Allison's mom first. She doesn't even know Alli went to confront Bill.

"Hello? Ethan?" She asks, breathless, obviously she's been running to get here.

"Hi, Ms. Parker. Nathaniel is in the hotel right now in Hawaii, meet him there." I tell her.

"No, you can't leave me with him, all by myself." She tells me, obviously not giving a damn about anyone but herself.

"I mean, thats what you did to him, right?" I tell her. She's nothing like Allison.

She says nothing back, so I hang up.

Nathaniel's POV-
Ethan really had to leave me with this scum. All she does is remind me of Katie.

"Hi?" She asks me, realizing how quiet I am.

A obviously can't keep her mouth shut.

"What do you want?" I ask, annoyed.

"To talk. This place is boring." She tells me, slouching.

"I agree. But this will be the safest place to be at the moment. Unless you would like someone to torch you alive, be my guest." I tell her, smiling.

"You know it's weird, you're like Allison." She tells me.

"Rubbish. I am nothing like her." I tell her, rolling my eyes.

"You know, you two try to hide your feelings, but at the end you can't help but express them." She tells me.

"You don't know what you are talking about miss." I tell her.

"You make it look like you don't care about Allison, but deep into your eyes I can tell you had the best childhood because of her." She tells me.

She's right, a tear starts to form into my eye. I look like such a child.

"Well it was just too bad my mom turned me into dead stone." I tell her.

"But who was the one to take you out?" She asks.

"Allison. She was." I tell her.

"Excatly. Sibling bonds are always the strongest, they can never be broken." She tells me, smiling.

"I don't need a lesson from you, okay?" I tell her, getting irritated by such questions.

"You can't hide your emotions, Nate. Not for long." She tells me.

"Look, it was hard for me to get them back. I completely turned myself off, from the whole world. You see, There's something called 'turning it off'. And while I was suffocating in that damn grave, thats what I did. So I wouldn't care." I explain.

"Oh, so you can turn all your feelings off, like not give a damn in the world?" She asks.

"Yes, excatly. And when Allison came and save me from that grave, thats when they suddenly turned back on. I remembered the moments we had since little. The memory I always had of each other is we would always say 'we will have each other's backs, always'. And when she came and s-saved me, I realized she kept that promise." I explain.

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