Old Friend

110 4 1

Bella's POV-
I hope the memory got to him. I could only withstand for a couple of seconds, unfortunately.

"Thank you, brother." I say, grabbing him before he falls onto the floor unconsciously.

I nip my finger and blood gushes out. I put it in his mouth to restore his energy.

"Thank you." He quietly says, slightly smiling at me.

This, right here, will and is our only hope of anything.

Our only hope of being happy again, our only hope of living again,

Our only hope to see our family again.

Allison's POV-
"Y-You can't be serious." I say, stuttering.

"I-I guess she barely remembered that we could contact each other until now." He responds.

"But we didn't know you two could contact each other." I say, furrowing my eyebrows.

"We kept it a secret so we could connect without any interruptions." He explains.

"Bella, and all this time I thought she didn't want to see us again." I say, beginning to smile.

"Then how was my vision wrong?" Grayson mutters to himself.

"What do you mean?" Ethan asks.

"I saw three years into the future, Ethan. Read my mind, it's too long to say." Grayson says.

Ethan closes his eyes and concentrates on Grayson's thoughts.

"That's strange." He says as his eyes are closed while still reading his mind.

"S-She should've told us where she was, Ethan. Then if she was close enough, you guys could have communicated." I tell them, getting frustrated.

"Allison, just calm down." Kylie tells me.

"How am I supposed to calm down?!" I say, getting closer to her.

Ethan fastly opens his eyes and gets in front of her.

"Alli, if you want to throw all your anger at someone, don't throw it at her." Ethan tells me.

I give him a confused look, wondering why he's so protective over her.

"You're right. I'm sorry." I mutter, putting my hand on his chest.

"Look, right now what matters is trying to find them. Ethan, can you not try to contact her?" Grayson asks.

"She must be unimaginably strong since she could contact me. Remember Allison, when they were little they had the same strength as you did. I can't begin to imagine their power now." Ethan says.

"They're so strong because even having a child as a Traveler is rare. It never happens." Ethan explains.

"I have an idea." I say.

They all look at me, waiting for me to talk.

"We all gather together to Ethan and we give off as much energy of ours as we can." I say.

"Allison, you and Grayson is enough. Don't underestimate your power, you too have a strength that no one except your child's posses." Kylie says.

"You're right. Just observe Ethan and make sure he doesn't grow unconscious." I tell Kylie.

"Of course." She says, almost immediately kneeling down behind him.

"You can do it." Kylie mutters to Ethan.

He opens his eyes and looks behind, giving Kylie the sweetest smile he can possibly manage.

He looks back in front, and we both put our hands on his chest, a glow under our arms.

"I'm ready." He says, closing his eyes and trying to focus on his communication with Bella and put ours behind.

He concentrates, having blood flowing out of his nostrils.

Kylie gets worried, and she's about to put her hand on Ethan's nose but I stop her with my mind.

I shake my head back and forth as a no, and she slowly puts her arm down, knowing even though I'm putting off all my energy for Ethan, she's still no match to struggle with me.

Bella's POV-
"Please leave him alone." I tell the master.

"Okay, then how about you tell me why he is unconscious at this moment." He demands.


"Do not try and come up with a horrible lie, Bella. Let me just get one thing clear"

He says.

I suddenly stop, feeling my thoughts begin to concentrate.

"Bella, Caleb, I need you to tell me where you are." Ethan says. I immediately know it's my uncle's beautiful voice.

"You are never going to leave. None of you." He says.

"We're in Houston Texas." I respond.

"Who's the one keeping you hostage honey? Please tell me." He pleads.

I suddenly realize I can't respond anymore. I just can't. I'll say it out loud.

"Yes, I understand."

"Lyal Kenton."

Ethan's POV-
I open my eyes, instantly remembering that scumbag.

"Ethan, what's wrong?" Allison asks, shaking me.

"Call Nathaniel over here. Now." I simply respond.

My body goes numb, due to using up all of my own energy.

I slowly shut my eyes, going into a deep sleep.

A/N if you don't remember who Lyal is, he's Nathaniel's old friend from the 1500th century, who came to see Allison when she turned her humanity off.

Lyal's physical appearance:
Tan skin-
Blue eyes-
Curly, brown hair-
Perfect body build-

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