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Allison's POV-
Me and Grayson head back home about 30 minutes after the best kiss ever. We were in the car for what seemed like hours, but I was thankful it was him next to me.

Through about half the car ride, he holds my hand. I look at him and see that he was already looking at me before holding my hand. I hold it back, happy that I could be holding his.

As we stop by Daniel's house, I tell Grayson to stop.

"What? Why?" Grayson tells me with a questioning look.

"Me- me and him have some unfinished business" I tell him looking at him intently so he knows I'm not even for a second lying.

"Okay, but please be careful Alli,ok?he tells me concerned.

Wow.i didn't expect him to respect my decision.

"I will be. I promise, thank you for understanding" I tell him squeezing his hand a bit.

"Okay, see you later Alli" he tells me with a smile.

"See you later" I tell him before I peck him in the cheek.

Ok. This is it. I'm going to show this asshole I'm not scared of him whatsoever.

Grayson's POV-
I couldn't leave Alli. I feel like that Daniel boy could be capable of anything. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Allison got hurt in any way. So when she went inside the house, I peeked through the window to make sure if something happened, I could break it and show that bitch what's up.

Allison's POV-
"Daniel?Are you home?"I ask since everything is so quiet you could hear water droplets from the sink.

"I'm in my room!" I could hear a guy shout.


I go up the stairs, preparing for what I was about to do. This time not afraid or ashamed. Or anything.

I slam the door open and see Daniel on his phone texting someone. Probably one of his side hoes.

"What the hell Alli, there's something called knocking" he tells me furiously.

"Yeah and there's something called I don't give a fuck, how dare you talk to me like that in the movies?!" I shout to him.

"I would ask the same Alli! You were with some other guy you don't even know!you're just a little whore Alli."He tells me with a grin.

"First of all, I'm not a whore. Second of all, I do know Grayson. A shit ton more than I know you. Grayson makes me happy, unlike you. Grayson makes me just want to live my life and not worry about anything expect for myself, unlike you. He has the most beautiful personality in the world!unlike you. And he's a hell of a lot hot, unlike you. So how about you go dig yourself your own grave, considering after this no one will want you!"I tell his with as much anger as possible.

Grayson's POV-
I'm stunned. Alli really likes me. God I want to tell her how much I like her. And I will soon enough.

Wait, what?who's "ugly betty"?

Allison's POV-
"Ho-how do you know about that?" I shut my mouth once he says that.

"Word goes around baby, well, at least this one girl told me. I think her name is kaddy or something" he tells me smirking.


"I-I don't know who that is." I lie to him.

"Oh really? I don't believe you. How about we make a deal, how about you show me what's happening under that dress of yours?" Daniel tells me almost excatly as Jack had told me.

"Please no, leave me alone"I plead Daniel as much as I can. I'm so scared for my life right now.

"Well you should have thought about what you said to me earlier Alli. You know that really hurt me?" He starts to look like he's going crazy. Is he mental?

"No, it's the truth Daniel and you know it!" I tell him angry he's trying to make me feel a bit bad for him.

"You shouldn't have said that Alli."

He comes closer to me and my breathing becomes to the point to where I can hear my heart ringing through my ears. He closes my mouth so I wouldn't be able to scream. He's just about to pull my top of when all of the sudden, I hear a loud pang through the windows.

Someone broke his window. I'm shaking so bad I cant see the figure that was beating Daniel up.

"Alli, are you okay?!" I recognize that voice.

I was starting to talk, but all of the sudden everything went black and my thoughts drifted away.

-page 56

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