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Allison's POV-
"Whenever you're ready." Ethan tells me.

I don't get it, it's just so confusing. He doesn't look more buff than before, but he sure is stronger than before.

He's probably stronger than Grayson now. He's definitely surpassed me.

I've been a Traveler for more than three years now, and he's been one on and off.

He sure is incredible. Some people were just meant to be this way.

"Are you okay?" I hear Ethan ask.

"What, oh yeah. I zoned out for a second there." I say.

"You might want to tie your shoe if you don't want to trip." He says, pointing at my feet.

"What-" he fastly runs to me.

Before he can lay a finger on me, I forcefully grab his fist.

"You think I'd fall for that? I haven't been laying my ass down for three years." I say, throwing him next to me.

"You're pretty good." He says, struggling to get back up.

"If you were the average Traveler, that throw would've killed you." I say.

"I'm aware of that. Good thing I'm not." He says, smirking.

He then concentrates and suddenly he's behind me. He grabs my hands and puts them behind my back.

"I've trained a couple of times too, I think I'm getting better, don't you think so?" He asks.

"You're still a bit rusty." I say.

I harshly kick him with my leg, fully putting it behind me.

He falls on the floor, surprised by my sudden attack.

"Are we still in kindergarten? That didn't even tickle." He says.

"Alright then, does this?" I say, vamp-running to him.

I grab him by the neck and put pressure on it, just barely enough to let him live.

"I-I'm surprised. People really shouldn't underestimate g-girls." He chokes out.

"Damn right they shouldn't." I say.

"I see you've been using all your power." He states.

"I don't like to hold back." I say.

"Well, I've only been using half of i-it." He says, smirking at me.


"Fly." He says.

I suddenly feel a huge amount of energy pull me away from him.

I get thrown to a tree, crushing it into dust. That's impressive, I actually felt that hit.

I don't think anyone could hurt me, not even Grayson.

I vamp-run back to him.

"Look, we're going to have to figure this out the old fashioned way." I say, sighing.

"And that is?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"We put our hands up at each other. Which ever pushes the hand back, wins." I explain.

"Okay, fine by me." He says, running farther away from me.

"When you're ready." I say.

We both put our hands up at the same time.

It's easy at first, and then he slowly applies more and more pressure, as do I.

His hand begins to slightly shake. I know when Travelers are hiding their power, and he surely is.

"Stop hiding your power." I say.

"If you say so, Allison." He says back.

I get hit with a horrible amount of energy.

I let out all of my power too. Our hands start to furiously shake.

I feel my nose start to slowly bleed. Immediately in just seconds, puddles of blood are seeping through my nostrils.

I look up at Ethan. His nose is bleeding just as much as mine is.

I begin to pant for air, feeling my arm go numb, but I'm not backing down.

That's the one thing I'll never do.

I put even more force, trying even harder to move his hand.

He does the same, causing me to slightly flinch.

I begin to heavily breath. I can't anymore. His power is too heavy for me.

I then realise I can't anymore, and I roughly fall to the ground.

I look up to find proud Ethan. I then realise he's on the ground.

We fell at the same time.

"See, I told you that I wasn't stronger." He says.

"Close though." I say, struggling to breath.

He begins to get up, limping in pain.

"You're tired." He says.

"Sure am. You're the strongest Traveler I've ever fought." I say.

"I got you." He says, beginning to carry me.

"No, Ethan you're tired too." I almost whisper, no energy left in me.

"I'm not tired for you Allison. I never will be." He says, carrying me bridal style.

I snuggle up onto his chest, instantly feeling safe.

Sometimes I wonder how it would have been if I fell in love with him, if he had proposed to me, if we were to be.... together.

"It would be amazing. That's what nine-teen year old me would say." He says, obviously reading my mind.

"We've both moved on for the better." He says.

I pick my head up and look at his deep, hazel eyes.


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