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Ethan's POV-
Grayson is obviously very confident in his strength, if he wasn't he would not even try to fight me.

It's a real shame that this power of mine is only temporary, the feeling of being the strongest in the world is great, but giving up my human life isn't worth it.

We vamp-run to a forest in an open space within seconds.

"You ready, Gray?" I ask, getting in position.

"I was born ready." He responds, realizing then how cheesy that was.

I can probably even beat him with my pointer finger.

Allison's POV-
As im walking back to our house with Rose, I suddenly stop when a vision starts to come up again.

"You ready, Gray?" I hear Ethan say.

Ethan is honestly so absorbed in his thoughts he doesn't know how much energy Grayson hides, only using it during special occasions.

Ethan's going to get beat up, bad.

We finally make it back home, and Rose and I sit on the plush, white couch.

"Why, Rose?" I straight forwardly ask. She gets caught by surprise.

"I've been in this world for three hundred years, Allison. You have a lot to learn, and you deserve to be happy." She says, placing her hand on top of mine.

"I can't be happy if you aren't." I respond, looking at her this time.

"All I've done is cause danger to you Rose. I think it's best for you to be as far away from me as possible." I tell her, my eyes beginning to burn.

"No, Alli-" I knew she would disagree.

Ever since she first met me, her life has been all over the place. She needs to be happy too, it's only fair this way.

"I'm sorry." I mutter, forgetting she can hear me.

"Alli, don't-" I interrupt her before she tells me not to do it.

"You are going to go back to the hospital, it's very busy without you there." I say, my pupils dilating more and more.

"And don't come back." I say, my voice slightly cracking.

"I'm gonna miss you." Rose says, giving me a hug. She then opens the door and leaves.

This is the only way.

Ethan's POV-
I see Grayson trying to make a plan on how to attack me. This is my chance.

I figured out earlier that I don't have to put my fingers in between my forehead in order to use instant transmittion.

I close my eyes and I'm immediately behind Grayson.

With my mind I fly him to a tree, catching him by surprise.

"That was good." He says.

I pull my hand out to fly him even farther, but then he pulls his hand out across mine too.

My hand starts to violently shake, and suddenly I'm struggling.

"But not as good as my tricks." He says, vamp-running to my direction.

"You need to hide your power so people think of you as weak." He tells me, ferociously grabbing my now weak hand.

"And at the perfect moment, you lash it all out on them." He says, twisting my wrist.

I groan in pain, hearing my bones loudly crack.

"So you think braking my wrist can stop me?" I ask, grinning.

"Sorry Grayson, but I can actually heal, unlike you and the rest except Allison."I say, rotating my wrist to see it's already healed.

I read Grayson's thoughts, I yet again caught him by surprise.

"You may be better than me in some ways." I say, putting my hand on his chest.

"But being a Traveler, will never be one of them." I say, once again flying him through the harsh wind.

I can barely even sense his energy, so this hit will leave him unconscious.

I close my eyes and I stop Grayson before he hits a tree.

"You underestimate me too much Gray. Next time you should think before trying to fight me." I say, chuckling.

"You really are strong as hell." Grayson tells me out of breath.

"You tired? I barely hit you." I say, smirking.

He pouts like a baby, not wanting to admit how drained he really was.

"Well, I'm not carrying you back home." I say before putting my hand on his shoulder to give him some of my energy.


We make it back home and see that Allison is no where in sight. She's probably taking a shower.

Right when we walk in, Caleb and Bella run up to me and Grayson.

"Uncie Etin, where'd Rose leave?" They ask.

She left?

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