Ethan's Power

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Grayson's POV-
I actually did it, even though the possibility was extremely low.

I've underestimated my powers all this time. I wouldn't be surprised if I could do much more than just this.

"Gray, you're really confusing me right now." Allison says, wiping her tears.

"Allison, believe it or not I just turned back time right now." I tell her.

She looks at me, covering her mouth in surprise.

"Wait, Gray so that means-" she stops and her face brightens up.

"I can bring Rose back." I tell her, smiling.

"Okay, let's do it!" She says without hesitation, her eyes blooming with joy.

I smile back, nodding before fully closing my eyes.

I feel Alli putting her hand on my shoulder, knowing my energy dies out at a fast rate will using this method.

She begins to let off some of her energy, giving me a decent amount.

She gives me a hopeful smile, which makes me more eager to do this for her.

I focus on Rose holding Allison's hands, never being able to forget the horrible memory and feeling.

As I continue to focus, I feel the wind reversing in time. I then realize I can only go back a total of nine minutes.

I fastly open my eyes to see Daniel only inches away from Rose.

Since I'm as strong as Allison, I'm sure I can use instant transmittion as her.

Everything's in slow motion. I put my fingers on my forehead, and I feel myself directing in front of the knife.

I grab his hand viciously before he plunges it in Rose's heart.

"Nice try." I say, throwing him across to a glass table with my mind.

He's the weakest Traveler I've ever seen in my life. How pathetic.

"Let's go." I tell Rose and Allison.

As I'm passing by Ethan, I put the twenty four hour Traveler spell on him.

Ethan is abnormally strong for a human, so I can't even begin to imagine his strength as a Traveler.

Ethan's POV-
As Grayson takes his hand off of me, I suddenly feel a huge amount of energy boiling up inside of me.

I don't know what Allison wants me to do with them at all.

"Alli!" I loudly say before she leaves.

"Kill them." She says, her eyes as wild as a lions.

I nod back and turn my head to Daniel's direction.

"I've never seen anyone with such great energy in my life." Daniel says in disbelief.

I then feel Grayson's energy abruptly stop.

"Go without me, we'll be there soon." Grayson tells Rose and Alli.

I feel such power, it's unbelievable.

I bring Daniel to me with my mind, flinging him which causes him to stand up.

"What's wrong?" I ask, even though it's clearly obvious.

I close my eyes and I start to focus on his thoughts.

"Oh, so you're scared." I say, smirking.

"How did you read-"

I instinctively turn my head to the right.

"Don't even think about it." I say.

I draw a circle around Alice, Jason and Bill, making a barrier between our world and inside the circle.

They try to escape, but it's no use.

"You know, I remember you bumping into me very rudely at the movie theatre a few years back, thinking of me as a weakling." I say, stabbing my hand into his chest.

He gasps and groans in pain.

"Well, as you can see, I've really evolved through the years." I say, slowly twisting my hand inside his chest.

"Next time, you should really choose wisely on who to pick on. Actually, I take that back." I tell him.

"How about, never?" I say, finally ripping his heart out. He goes limp on the floor.

I feel proud, until the smell consumes me, the sweet, savory smell.

I'm actually really, really hungry.

I then vanish the barrier, only having to look at it in order for it to disappear.

I then feel the veins under my eyes increase every second. I bare my teeth out, causing Alice to squint.

I can easily read Grayson's mind, he's trying to figure out why and how I'm so strong.

I'm Ethan Dolan. What did he expect?

I vamp run to Alice, biting her neck before fastly drinking her Traveler blood.

I drink until the last drop, and I throw her across the room, making her hit her lifeless body on the shattered glass.

I then look over at Jason, slowly licking the blood off my teeth.

This guy in front of me is Grayson, yet not Grayson.

"I'll just kill you." I say.

I crook my neck the way I want his to break. When hearing the loud snap, he falls onto the floor.

I look over at Bill, obviously terrified for his life. I vamp-run to him so fast, his gray hair flows back.

"I feel like killing you as a human would be much, much more painful than killing you as a Traveler." I say, harshly stabbing my bloody hand onto his chest, causing him to scream in pain through his gritted teeth.

He put Allison is so much pain, this man in front of me should die in the worst possible way, be tortured for years.

"Consider yourself lucky to be dying this way, you're lucky I'm the one killing you." I say, viciously pulling his heart out.

He takes his last breaths before falling to the floor like the rest.

I read Grayson's mind. He's thinking on how we're gonna get rid of the bodies.

"Don't worry." I say in a low, raspy voice.

"aikhtafaa." I say, feeling blood seeping through my nostrils.

They all vanish in mid air.

I look over at Grayson, wiping my blood filled mouth while the veins under my eyes begin to disappear.

"How are you so unimaginably strong." Grayson says in shock.

He thinks way too low of me. Now I'm the strongest Traveler to exist, stronger than Nathaniel ever was.

"I'm stronger than you." I tell him, stating the obvious.

"You can never be stronger than me." Grayson tells me, scoffing.

"Okay then. How about you prove it?" I respond, grinning.

"You'll be the one on the ground." He says back, smirking.

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