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Allison's POV-
"W- wait, how are you-" he can't even speak right. I knew he would be happy, but he seems to be happier than he's ever been.

"I have no idea, but I am." I tell him, happily running my bump.

He grabs me and lightly swings me in a circle.

"Congratulations, Allison. I get to be an uncle." He says, happily cheering.

As we're all smiling and laughing, the party pooper comes in.


"What do I get to be Alli? The uncle or-"

Before he says anything else, I communicate through our minds.

"Say one more thing and I'll rip your tounge out." I threaten. He finally shuts up.

"Here, let's let Alli get some rest. I'm sure she's exhausted." Nathaniel suggests.

"This baby does really get me tired as hell." I tell him while I start to yawn.

"Okay, let's go." Nate orders Keily and Ethan. Once they leave, I fastly plop myself onto the bed.

Only about five minutes later I'm fast asleep.

The next morning-
I wakeup to a bright light shining through my eyes. I slightly open them to see what's going on.

It's morning. I took a nap and slept at the same time. I've slept for fourteen hours, wow.

"Good morning, sunshines." Grayson says, coming on the bed, laying next to us.

"I overslept, a lot. You should've woken me up." I tell Grayson.

"Well, you really packed a snore last night. I figured you were just really tired." He says, rubbing my hand.

"Yeah, I really was. Miracle Nate didn't come to annoy me." I tell him.

"He knew that would be a bad idea. Besides, I told him not to come." He tells me.

"Well, we need to talk, Gray. About the baby." I tell him.

"What's wrong?" He asks, fastly sitting up in the bed.

"It's only been about five or six days and this baby is as big as a two month old baby." I tell him.

"Yeah, the babies half Traveler." He tells me.

"If you think about it, that means I could be giving birth in about thirty to thirty-six days." I tell him.

"God, you're right Alli. Rose will have to be with us at all times." He tells me.

"I'll be right back, beautiful. Let me just give her a quick call." He says, getting out of the bed to the kitchen.

I've never experienced any of this before. I'm only twenty, well technically seventeen since I don't age.

I hear someone knock on my door.

"Come in!" I shout, causing my head to hurt. Ouch.

It's Ethan. I sigh, knowing he's about to basically read me the whole Deceleration of Independence.

"Before you tell me to get out, let me explain myself." He says, putting his hands up as if I would actually hurt him. Never.

"Okay. Make it fast." I tell him, my eyes trying to close shut again.

"I'm just, really sorry on the way i acted with you." He says, looking down.

"It probably isn't my baby, I just had really high hopes,even though deep down I know it's not mine." He tells me.

"I'm sorry, Ethan." I don't know how many more times I have to tell him sorry for my stupid actions.

"Can you forgive me?" He asks.

"I was never mad, Ethan. I was just a little frustrated." I tell him, Softly laughing.

"Okay, thanks for understanding. I'll leave you now." He says, brushing his hand onto mine.

This time I don't smile. I don't want him to think any less of me ever again.

As he leaves, I feel a horrible pang in my stomach.

I grip onto it, gasping for the air that's fastly leaving my lungs.

I suddenly get a vision, but not from the present, but from the future.

"Come here, baby. Isn't she so beautiful, Allison?" I hear the man say.

I can't tell whether that's Ethan or Grayson.

"I'm going to spoil you so, so much." The man says to the baby.

Then my future self looks up. At Ethan. My future self begins to smile.

This can't be true. This is probably just one of the side effects of being pregnant, well for a Traveler anyway.

I brush it off, I'm sure it's some weird vision that's not true, at all.

I get up to get the heating pad Ethan had gotten me a week ago, when I hear someone suddenly burst through the door.

"Don't tell me you saw that, too."

Ethan says.


A/N- I've started a new book called "Good Taste | E.D" this book will be coming to an end soon, but comment here on whether you would like a sequel or not! I'll think about it then :)

-page 664

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