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Ethan's POV-
I didn't exactly expect my emotions to be like... this.

I care, yet I don't. When Allison harshly punched me, I was almost scared, which I'm not supposed to be.

I'm not supposed to feel anything at all, no emotions, no nothing.

I guess my love for Allison was this real. But I can't let that get in my way.

"Look, Allison. Just because your nasty child told you the truth, does not mean I can't get stronger than you." I tell Allison before looking at her.

"When you think I won't, I'll surpass you when you least expect it." I tell her, smirking.

"Yeah, that's because you never will." She tells me, flying me out of the room.

I curse under my breath, slightly feeling the pain on my knees.

"Oh my god." I hear a girl gasp kneeling down to see what's wrong with me.

Kylie. I forgot she was even here.

"Get out of my face." I rudely say.

"Wow, what happened to you? Don't tell me you- oh my god, aren't you an idiot?" She says, laughing.

"Shut the hell up before I make you shut up." I say before looking up at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but emotions on or off, you aren't going to be talking to me like that." She says, harshly pulling onto my hand.

"Thank God you're weak right now." She mutters under her breath.

She begins to drag me into a room. I can't move, Allison's hit really made all my bones in my body numb.

"What're you doing?" I hear Allison ask Kylie.

"Taking care of this dumbass." She responds, sending Allison a smile.

"Good luck." Allison replies, scoffing.

I live with a bunch of mental people. How did I not explode all this time, when all they do is talk a bunch of shit you don't understand half of the time?

Miracles happen, Ethan. Miracles happen.

Kylie closes the door behind us, sitting me on a comfy chair.

"Talk." She says, sitting down in front of me.

"Talk about what?" I say, not showing any emotions at all.

"Why'd you turn it off." She says.

"Because I wanted to." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"No, there's a reason. Tell me it." She says, getting closer to me.

"Because I can't be with the girl I like." I respond, stroking her cheek.

"Oh, aren't you just so horny. Sorry honey, but that doesn't work on me." She says, slapping my arm off.

"Damn it." I curse under my breath.

"You know, you're pathetic for thinking turning your emotions off would suddenly trigger feelings for Allison towards you." She says, scoffing.

"I don't care." I mutter, looking down to the floor.

"Turning it off will bring you absolutely nowhere in life, I thought you understood that when Allison turned it off." She tells me.

"How do you know she turned it off?" I ask, looking up at her.

"Oh- uhm, I did some research." She responds.

I look back down, not giving a damn about what she has to tell me.

"Look, this'll only last twenty four hours, so all i have to do now is keep you from eating a bunch of Travelers." She says, rubbing the back of her neck.

"What makes you think I won't get my ass out of here?" I ask, raising my eyebrow at her.

"I could easily beat you right now, you're completely drained out of energy." She responds.

I look up at her, knowing I'm as weak as a twig right now.

"Look, I know this is hard on you, and you probably don't care about that now." She says.

"But I didn't have my mom for most my life. My dad abandoned me and my mom, you know you had a family for your whole life Ethan," She says.

"I didn't. I had to escape from the people keeping me hostage, I had to live in the streets." She says, beginning to sniffle.

"I thought I'd never see my mom ever again. All I did was beg for food for years and years." She says, her voice getting louder.

"The last three months I was turned into a Traveler, I learned I could turn it off. Take myself out of my misery." She says.

"But I never did. Because I was still holding on to the people that I loved, no matter what. I knew there was a day that I could maybe get her back, just maybe. I just had to hold myself together a little longer." She says.

"You never turn it off. You didn't have it bad, Ethan. I did. Everyone else did. It's selfish for you to turn it off for reasons like that. Other people do it because they're crippling, dying inside." She says, her voice getting lower.

"Just like I did. I was dying inside, but now look where I'm standing. In front of a damn person that did turn it off." She says.

"What an inspirational story." I sarcastically say.

"I know you don't care right now, Ethan. Of course you don't. You couldn't give a damn in the world." Kylie says, getting closer to me.

"But I know what it feels like to be like that. So I'm gonna help in any way I can, no matter what it takes." She says, holding my hands.

It suddenly sends a shiver through my spine, sending me sudden chills.

I tense up, more than I ever have. She sees the way it's effected me and she let's go.

"Oh, sorry." She mutters, taking her hands off of me.

"No. Don't apologize." I suddenly say.

What the hell are you doing Ethan? You're not supposed to care, why are you caring?

I wash my thoughts away, and I go back to serious mode.

"Whatever." I say.

The door suddenly flings open. Not her again.


A/N- hm, would you ship Kylie and Ethan? Comment for more chapters to come!

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