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Allison's POV-
"A-Alli." Grayson mutters in surprise.

I only close my eyes like that when I turn it off. He knows I've done just that.

"Y-You killed Ethan, my best friend." I say, looking at him with wild eyes.

"You killed the person I loved." I scream at his face, causing the house to shake.

This is what triggers my true power, anger does. Whoever kills or harms any of my loved ones,

They never come out alive.

Grayson's POV-
I'm sure that Allison turned it off, but she's crying for Ethan.

I'm confused, I know the look in her eye once she turns it off, and she had that look.

She looked at me, emotionless. But when it comes to Ethan, she cried, sobbed for him.

But I can tell she's not going to stop fighting Lyal, not even if it means her death.

I can't do anything now. Allison's power has grown to an unbelievable extent. I didn't know such power like this was possible.

I'm small fry compared to her.

I can't do anything to avenge my brother,

And I hate myself for that.

Allison's POV-
"You're dead." I growl at him as I vamp-run.

I grab his neck and I slam his head onto the floor.

"You humiliated him in front of me and Grayson." I say as I begin to cry.

"And those had to be his last moments before death. Humiliation." I say, now sobbing.

"Y-You bastard. How dare you end his life in such a horrible way." I say as I slam his head harder onto the floor.

"You're dead." I say as I stab my hand into his chest.

I stab his chest multiple times, up and down.

I crook my neck the way I want his leg to break, something I remember doing to Keily.

He screams in pain as I break his other leg.

"This is how you will die, in pain." I scream, causing the house to shake.

I grab his arm and shatter his bones as much as I can.

"This is the hand you killed Ethan with." I say as I grab his hand and snap it.

"This is the pain Ethan felt inside when you were bringing up the past." I say as I punch his face with as much force as I could possibly punch with.

"This is what it felt when he was heart broken." I say as my tears fall down in endless streams.

I stab his chest and I grab onto his heart.

"And you know what he'd do, even after all the heart breaks and the times I rejected him?" I ask as I tightly get his heart.

"This." I say as I pull it out.

His eyes widen as he realizes me, Allison Parker, a female Traveler, has killed him.

I throw the heart to the ground and I look over at Grayson.

"A-Allison." He mutters as he lays on the ground.

I look over at the door, seeing two shadows.

I knew this would bring me back.

They come and look at my bloody shirt, filled with Lyal's blood.

"Mother." They say as they run to me and hug me.

"Caleb, B-Bella." I say as I sob on their shoulders. My babies are finally with me after four years.

Grayson vamp-runs to us and joins in on the hug.

My love story started off with Grayson and Ethan and it's ended with Grayson and two of us, Caleb and Bella.

This is something I've dreamed of having since little, something I've wanted.

Babies, a husband that I loved and cherished every single moment with,

I always wanted something like this. I always wanted something that was this....



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