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Ethan's POV-
I don't know what to feel.

I can't move, but the feeling is unbearable. It feels like I've been injected with millions of pounds of venom, in that one spot.

It's all in slow motion, Grayson fastly running to get Katie off of me, Rose getting Katie and tying her up, Grayson taking the knife off my chest.

I didn't have any powers, so I felt all the pain, slowly crushing me by the second. A second feels like an hour, a minute feels like a lifetime, a lifetime feels like eternity.

I close my eyes, not being able to keep them open.

After leaving Grayson behind, he's still with me, crying over my almost dead body for the second time.

"Please, Ethan stay with me please." He tells me playing around with his fingers not knowing what to do.

Then his eyes glow as an idea plays in his mind.

"T-that's it! I'll do the spell that Alli did on Katie. It'll work I mean you are half dead!" He says convincing himself.

"'iieadat 'iihya'" he says once.

He keeps on doing it for what seems forever. His voice starts to shake when I realize how much blood was seeping through his nostrils.

"Grayson, just stop." I whisper to him.

"Shut. Up." He tells me. Well he's clearly still mad at me. I don't expect him not to be.

He says it one more time before he cuts his hand open and puts a bunch of his blood on my chest.

"God, I forgot this part." He says relieved.

"'iieadat 'iihya'" he says twice.

I hear my heart start to heal, and my skin start to tighten, as if stiches are being sowed in between.

He says it one more time, to make sure it's done.

When he finishes, he pants, gasping for air. He lays down on the floor, breathless.

I get up.

"Grayson? Grayson!" I scream terrified.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." He whispers, still laying down. He needs more time.

I look at my chest and I have a huge scar on my chest, as if there really was stiches on my chest, but there wasn't.

I pick him up and put him on the bed. I'm sure he's asleep, he's not making a sound. He's usually the loudest person in the world.

"I'm so sorry Gray. I cant believe I was selfish enough to leave you." I say starting to cry.

"You were the one that teached me everything. We basically held hands the first day of school." I say laughing at the memory.

"We were each other's best friends when we didn't have any." I say a tear running down my face. I've been so emotional lately.

"I- I'm just so sorry. What I've done is something not even God would forgive. After you left, I left you...I've realized I wouldn't leave you for anyone in the world." I say.

"I would always choose you, first. Always." I say holding his hand, crying.

Grayson's POV-
Ethan thinks I can't hear him, I definitely can. I didn't think he felt that way.

That he would always choose me, before anyone in the world. I thought that way too, before Katie took over Allison's body. And I still feel that way.

I really want to say something to him, but my damn brain won't let me. I can't even crook my head a little.

All I want to do right now is slap the shit out of Katie. For tricking me and Ethan.

I manage out a very tiny whisper.

"Give me y-your hand." I tell him.

He does as I say.

I do the tiny spell that makes him turn into a Traveler, just for a day.

"Now you go kick her ass." I tell him very lightly whispering.

"Hell yeah." He tells me back smirking.

Rosalie's POV-
I grab Katie by the hair, hoping I didn't just snatch the shit out of Allison's hair.

I fastly smack her onto a chair and tie her hands and feet.

"You're a bitch, you know that?" I tell her frustrated.

"Well sometimes it's fun to play with peoples feelings Rosalie. I mean you did once, right?" She tells me smirking.

"You know what you little shi-" we get interrupted by someone slamming the door open with their mind.


I look over at Katie and she looks terrified. She damn well knows what Ethan is capable of.

"Now Katie, where were we?" He says when he gets close to her face where she can feel his breath on her face.

She breaths in and out, like crazy.

"Oh yeah, I remember. We were where you were trying to kill me with a knife." He says.

"Oh yeah, this knife, right?" He says swaying it around her.

He stabs her chest with it.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you were trying to see if I actually had a heart, since I said such mean things about you earlier." He tells her while she pants.

He twists the knife around her chest.

"Now, how about we find yours?" He tells her smirking.

-page 372

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