No Control

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Miranda's POV-
(Alli's mom)
Today I decided to make simple sandwiches, I couldn't risk cutting myself and making Alli as wild as she was last time I did.

Alli of course comes back, opening the door with her hand.

"Honey, you have seriously got to be careful." I tell her.

"I know mom, I'm sorry." She apologizes.

Allison's POV-
"Oh yeah, Grayson. While we're waiting on Ethan, I wanted to call Rosalie to come over, so you two can have a real greeting. She helped me on managing myself from going crazy." I tell him laughing.

"Oh, so this woman... She's a Traveler too, I'm guessing?" I ask.

"Yeah, she is."

"Hey mom!" I shout.

Miranda's POV-
I hear Alli shout my name.

"Yes honey?" I shout back.

"Can you bring us some paper? I kind of feel like drawing right now."

Well that's random, she doesn't like to draw.

"Okay." I say laughing.

I get the packet from upstairs.

I come back down and sit on the couch that's in front of them.

When I try to open the plastic around the paper, I accidentally cut my finger with the paper.


"Oh god sorry gu-"

I look down at the paper... thinking.


I slowly look up, to see her glaring at my blood.


Allison's POV-
As mom opens the paper, I smell that sweet scent I was dreaming I wouldn't smell again.

I look at it and I go animal mode.

My mom starts to run to the kitchen.

Grayson grabs my hand.

"Alli what are you doing??" Gray asks.

I look at him with the most devilish eyes I could possibly manage.

"Get your hand off of me." I tell him.

He doesn't let go, so I move it with my mind and slap it off.

I slowly get up from the couch, knowing excatly where my mom was. I'm halfway through the hallway, when Grayson gets in front of me.

"What the hell is wrong with you Alli!?" Grayson screams.

"I told you to get away from me!" I fly him across the room.

I start walking when all of the sudden, when I try moving...i can't.

I look to the left to see Rosalie try and stop me.

"Get your hand out of the way, Rose. Or you're next." I tell her.

"No. You may be stronger than me Alli, but I've been alive for more than 300 years." She tells me getting closer to me.

"You don't think I know that? Well sucks for you Rose, I took me a week to be as strong as you!" I scream.

When I scream, the house shakes.

I pull my hand out and I fly her to the TV, where she crashes down.

I'm only inches away from my mom, when I feel something in my neck inject me.

Rose injected me. With venom.

I start to feel dizzy, when then everything goes black.

5 hours later-
I wake up. When I do I see Gray, Ethan Rose, and my mom sitting next to me.

"Get away from me, i-I don't want to hurt any of you." I say realising my voice was shaky.

"No." They all say at the same time.

"I said leave, I'll hurt you." I tell them looking at all of them as if I'm going to use mind control on them.

"Look, Alli. We know you wouldn't hurt us on purpose." They tell me.

"I'm a monster." I say.

They all stay quiet. They sure as hell know I am. There's no denying it.

I look at my mom, slowly.

My mom's scared of me. My own mom.

I go and I give her a soft hug, well, a hard one for her.

"I'm so sorry mom, I didn't mean to I swear." I tell her sobbing.

"I know you didn't honey, I know I know." She tells me trying to comfort me.

I let go and I look at all of them.

" I- i think it's better for all of you to just, get out of my life. I'm basically risking all of your lives."

"Did you not see me, Gray?" I tell him.

"I looked like a lion that hasn't been fed in a year." I tell him.

"I can't control myself, and got knows what I would be capable of doing next." I tell him.

He comes to me and just hugs me.

"I've already discussed this with you, Alli. I don't care if I'm risking my life. All I care about is you. And only you." He tells me looking at me.

"Anyways, you don't like my blood." He tells me grinning at me.

I mean, it is true. But my mom and Rosalie. They sure as hell could be dead meat if there was no one to save them.

"True. But what about Rosalie and mom?" I look back at them.

"Look Alli. I wouldn't be meant to be a Traveler if I'm scared and I can't risk my life over someone that has to be teached a lot more about it. Anyways, I'm not scared of you." She tells me.

"Oh really?" I tell her smiling.

"Nope." She says stressing the "p".

I hug her.

"Ethan, what about you?" I tell him looking at him.

"Oh uhm." He clears his throat.

"I mean I don't want to make the bad girl mad, so I'm going to have to force myself to be friends with her." He tells me sarcastically.

I pull him closer to me with my hand.

"You better not." I tell him laughing.

I give him a tight ass hug and pop his back.

"Okay, you're sucking the life out of me, Al." He tells me.

"Oops." I let him go and he pants.

After everyone leaves. It's only me and Grayson, and Rosalie too.

I haven't even had time to tell Gray about me... not being able to have babies.

Well, I'll do it right now. Since Rosalies here.

Let's just hope he doesn't leave me hanging.

-page 167

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