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Ethan's POV-
"Ethan? Ethan!" I hear a girl scream to me, trying to wake me up.

Allison. Of course.

"Hmm." I groan, trying to turn around. I forgot Kylie was still on me.

"So, there's nothing going on like you said, huh?" She says, smirking.

"T-Theres not. She was just tired and didn't want to get up, that's it." I say, feeling my face heat up.

"I know you're lying Ethan. I've known you long enough to know that." She says, softly chuckling.

"Either way, how would you know?" I say, raising my eyebrow at her.

"Because you get as red as a tomato." She responds, raising an eyebrow back at me.

"Well, nothing happened so." I say, picking Kylie up to bring her to her room.

"Better start practicing for the wedding, Ethan! The sooner the better!" She screams after I leave the living room.

I really hope she didn't hear that, or that she's not looking at me.

Or I'll get... caught.

Allison's POV-
"You just love to piss Ethan off, don't you?" Grayson says, wrapping his hand around my waist.

"Haven't done that in a while. It's so weird, right now our lives feel somewhat... normal." I say, putting my head on his chest.

"Well, no one's around to mess with us anymore." He says, kissing my forehead.

"Yeah, let's hope it stays that way." I respond, sighing.

In these past three years, there hasn't hasn't one time that we'd have just a normal day.

I haven't ate in weeks now. I don't pay much attention to that. I'm never hungry, only for Traveler blood of course.

Fitting in on the outside world is hard enough. I mask myself pretty easily now, I guess i can say that I've gotten good at it in the past couple of years.

"Do you want to go somewhere with the kids?" Grayson suggests, looking down at me.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." I respond, beginning to walk to my room.

"Yay!" They both say, overhearing our conversation.


"You guys ready?" I ask Bella and Caleb.

"Yeah!" They both say at the same time. They look at each and giggle.

"We'll be home in a little while. We're gonna take them somewhere." I tell Ethan though our minds.

"Great, leave me with her." He groans, referring to Kylie.

"Come on, Ethan. Stop pretending you don't want to smash." I tell him back.

"A-Alli." He says. I can hear the embarrassment in his tone of voice.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Ill stop. We'll see you later." I say, laughing.

I break the connection and begin to focus on my surroundings.

"What's smash mommy?" Bella asks.

"What'd I tell you about reading my mind, Bella?" I say, looking back at her.

"Sorry, it's just you were laughing and I was curious." She says, shrugging her shoulders at me.

"Okay, well don't do it again, okay?" I say.

"Promise." She responds, wrapping her pinkie around mine.

"What were you laughing about?" Grayson asks.

"Oh, nothing."

Ethan's POV-
This is why I can't have any relationships. Well, not that there's anything going on with me and Kylie....

But still. She always finds a way to embarass me. Yet I love her for that.

Here I am, stiff as ever, hoping I don't wake her up.

She even looks beautiful when she's asleep. She has almost all of Alli's features.

It's like they're long lost relatives, yet that would be a little weird.

Her brown hair, her eyebrows, everything about her is... perfect.

But right now having relationships isn't the best idea. I just got done turning it off due to a girl not loving me for the past three years.

Yet I want to be able to feel what Grayson does. Love, passion, trust.

Everything you could ask for. Grayson and Allison knew they were meant for each other, I was just the bump on the road.

I shouldn't jump right on board just because a girl came into the house.

I don't even know what I feel anymore. All the pain and agony I once felt still pierces my body like shards of glass.

Like when I had left Allison. Even remembering makes me feel the unbearable pain we both felt.

I can't live without her.

Yet she can live without me.

Allison's POV-
We head inside the mall, remembering that Bella and Caleb needed new clothes.

They just keep on growing every day, month. It's crazy.

"Where do you guys want to go?" I ask, looking down at them.

"Can we go to Disney again?" Bella asks, smiling at me.

"Sure we can." I say, slightly laughing.

Grayson's POV-
"I'll be right back, Caleb needs to use the restroom." I tell Allison.

"Kay, babe. I'll stay here with Bella. Just find me by locating my energy." She says, kissing my cheek.

"Okay." I say before heading to the restrooms.

As we walk, I can hear ambulances outside. Caleb abruptly stops.

"Caleb?" I ask, shaking him. He's paralyzed. What the hell is happening.

"Bella?" I then say in shock, looking at her begin to run outside.

"Alli, what the hell is going on?" I ask, panicking.

"I-I dont know." She says, furrowing her eyebrows.

We fastly head outside, immediately smelling the human blood.

I instantly close Grayson's nose.

"Don't smell." I say before he fastly covers his nose.

I look at Bella and Caleb. They furiously stare at the man.

The blood.

I stay there in shock, not knowing what the hell to do.

"I-I'm sorry mom." Bella and Caleb say at the same time.

"Where do you two think you're going?" I ask, noticing they're heading to the woods.

"Away." They say before vamp running away.

My childs, running away from me.

I can't do anything but fall on my knees, feeling my heart shatter to pieces.

What have I done.

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