Eternal Love

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Allison's POV-
"Okay, I think you're out of you mind" I tell him.

"I'm not Alli, I've always been sure I want to be with you forever."he tells me.

He's crazy. He can't be like me. He can be.... a monster like me.

"You don't want this Gray." I tell him.

"Yes, I do." He tells me.

"Oh really? You want to be craving Travelers blood? We'll kill each other!" I tell him.

"We'll manage Alli, how hard can it be?" He tells me.

"Okay then. Prove it to me then. Let's go to my mom's. I'll call Rose." I tell him.

We go over and in about 5 minutes Rose comes over.

"What's up, Alli? Why is everyone here?".

The people here were Ethan, Mom, Grayson and Rose.

"So Gray here is convinced he wants to be like me." I tell everyone.

I see from the corner of my eye that Ethan is looking at Gray like he's a crazy person.

"And were all here to prove him wrong."

I had already talked to my mom about what to do.

"Grab my hands Rose. Make sure to have the venom ready." I tell her.

My mom's in front of me.

"Get ready." I tell my mom.

"I'm going to show you, Grayson that no matter who it is, I can't control myself." I tell him.

While I'm facing him I hear my mom cut herself a little with her knife. I feel the veins under my eyes grow. I see Gray and he looks terrified when he sees my blood shot red eyes and veins grow on my face. I look at her with violent eyes.

I almost growl and hiss at the same time. I look at Rose.

"Let me go." I tell her.

"No." She screams back at me.

I scream louder.

"Let me go!" I shatter a window.

She lets go of me.

She had just changed the game.

I was already running to her. Until I see her face. My mother's face.


I fight back. I don't know how, but I did.

I go back to Rose.

When I'm going I'm struggling not to go back to my mom.

I start to groan at how hard it is for me not to go and jump her.

I go where Rose is.

"No, no!" I tell my own self.

I see Gray, Eth and Rose look so shocked at me being able to resist my mom's blood.

I go to my couch.

"Get me a knife!" I growl to Rose.

She does. When she does, I stab myself in the chest with it.

They all gasp, but the unexpected happened.

When I do, my veins disappear and so do my red ass eyes. I fought back, well. Almost.

"No, Alli! You weren't supposed to resist!We need to show Grayson what he's really dealing with!" Rose tells me.

"What, you want me to kill my mom?!" I scream at her.

I take the knife out of my chest and of course, it immediately heals.

"I can't believe you just resisted, Alli." My mom tells me.

"I'm so proud of you." She tells me.

Grayson comes to me and sits next to me.

I look up at him.

"You see Alli. I'm all good to go."He tells me smiling.

"No. We're not done yet." I tell him.

I take him to my room.

I flip through the pages in the Grimmore when Rose comes up to the room with it.

"Here it is." I say out loud.

"Alli there's no way you can do this. It's too hard. No one has been able to do it since Kimhu's existence."Rose tells me.

"Well I'm as powerful as he once was. I'm sure I can do this." I tell her.

"Alli this is pure mind control. You can die." She tells me.

"I wont, okay?" I tell her. I start the spell.

-page 182

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