Three Years

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Allison's POV-

3 weeks later~
All my emotions have been playing games with me, making it even harder for me to resist myself from Ethan.

Grayson has been taking such good care of me, but so has Ethan.

Every time he came to me, even just to give me some juice, the temptations would try and give in.

No matter what I did, he knew what I was feeling, since he could read minds. He knows how it makes me feel when our skin make contact.

But I would never do anything like what I did last time to Grayson. He's the reason my life has meaning to it.

The person I want to spend the rest of my life is with Grayson, and only Grayson.

But I can't help but feel overly tempted by Ethan.

2 weeks earlier~
"I brought you your favorite, coconut ice cream." He says, eagerly coming to the side of the bed to give it to me.

"Bless your soul, you have no idea how much I've wanted this." I say, fastly pulling my hands out to get the ice cream.

As he's giving it to me, we touch fingers. I fastly begin to tense up.

Ethan looks at me with his beautiful hazel eyes, and he only does that when he's reading my mind.

"Oh, I'm sorry Alli. I didn't mean to." He tells me, softly pulling his hand away.

He understands me now, he knows us having a relationship as more than best friends is impossible. No matter how much he wants it.

"You're fine." I tell him, weakly smiling.

"But you have to admit, we both know how much more we want to do right now than me just handing you an ice cream." Ethan says, whispering it in my ear.

It immediately sends shivers through my spine, making my breath spike up a level.

He looks back at me and smirks.

Why does he do this to me.

Present day~
"Alli, stop." Rose says. I didn't even realize I was saying this stuff out loud.

"Oh, sorry." I tell her, rubbing my forehead. I could be having this baby anytime now.

No one knows what this baby can do to me, whether it will harm me or if it won't.

I don't care about that. All I've ever wanted was a baby. That conversation I had with Rose years ago tore me apart.

And now that the impossible has happened, I can't let myself risk it.

"I really want to go somewhere, Rose. I'm bored of being in bed all the time." I tell her, pouting.

"I don't care, Allison. We can't risk it. Your baby can come anytime now." She tells me.

"No, stop worrying so much, Rose. We don't even know the babies gender, that's frustrating." I tell her.

"You will soon." She tells me.

"How soon, Rose? In a week? No way." I tell her.

"Well, you're outta luck because Grayson isn't going to take you anywhere." Rose says, laughing.

"Oh really?" I say, giving her a smirk. She knows I'm up to something.

I scream "Grayson!" As loud as I can. Next thing i know I hear immediate loud footsteps running to my room.

As he's coming to my room, halfway through he almost trips.

"What!" He screams, obviously terrified that something has happened to me.

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