The Truth

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Grayson's POV-
Allison shouldn't be going to the hospital with Ethan, she's supposed to be going with me.

I mean, it doesn't make any sense. They're me and Allison's children, at least I think so.

If not she's been lying to me all along. I don't think so, I don't think she's ever capable of ever lying to my face like that.

But I guess I'll find that out now.

No matter how much it hurts me to find out the truth, if it's what I think it is....

I have to.

Ethan's POV-
"Stop worrying so much Allison." I tell her when I notice how nervous she was.

"I'm not." She says, shaking her head while smiling.

I don't need to read her mind to know she's lying. I'm dead nervous too, I don't blame her.

"You don't have to lie to me, Allison." I say, giving her a sympathetic look.

She nods at me. I love Allison, but this time more in a friendly way than I have these past few years.

I've realized that me and Allison were never meant to be, no matter how real it was in my head.

Maybe if she'd met me first....

"We're here." I say.

We're already getting out the car, when I suddenly can feel Grayson's energy.

"Stop." I whisper, she does as I say.

"Grayson's over there." I say, pointing to the direction that I feel his energy in.

"Shit." Allison mutters under her breath.

"What do we do?" I ask, beginning to panic.

"I've got this." She says.

"Grayson!" She screams.

He immediately looks in our direction, noticing us.

He comes speed walking.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asks.

Allison walks over to him. What is she doing.

"Well, we're figuring out whether these are our babies or me and Ethan's." She says.

"Alli." I mutter.

"Wait, wh-" she interrupts him before he starts to rant.

"Well, I didn't lie to you. Now." She says, putting both her hands on his shoulders.

"Forget this ever happened. You went out to get some groceries from the house, and came back home and waited for me and Ethan to come back with the kids." She says, compelling him.

He stares into outer space and walks away. No matter how much Grayson tries, he'll never be as strong as Allison. No one can ever be.

"See? Told you I had it covered." She says.

"Let's go." She says to Bella and Caleb.


"Put us in a room, right now." Allison compells the lady in the front.

"Of course. Right this way." She says, leading us to a room.

We wait there, sitting in the chairs while Bella and Caleb play on the spinning chair.

"God, I'm so nervous." She says, getting goosebumps.

"Stop worrying so much, Allison." I say, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Hello there." The doctor tells us.

"Hey." Allison says, starting to stand up.

"We're trying to figure out whether this is the father or not. You're going to figure that out as soon as possible." She compells.

"Of course." The doctor says.

"Here." He says, handing Ethan a little cup. He spits in it, and hands it to the doctor.

"Oh, and do this before anything else." She tells him.

"Yes, as you wish." The doctor tells her.

"Needy today, aren't you?" I jokingly ask.

"There's no time to wait." She tells me.

The doctor finally comes back with the results, way faster than we expected.

"So, what is it, doctor?" Allison asks the doctor.

"God ,Allison I'm so nervous." Ethan tells Allison.

"Don't worry, this time we'll know for sure." She says.

"What is it?" Allison asks the doctor.

"Oh my god." The doctor says, looking at the results in front of him.

This is bad.

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