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Allison's POV-
I'm the first to wake up.

I wake everyone up with my hand by tickling all of their noses.

They start shaking everywhere.

"Get up guys! We have a long day ahead of us." I tell them.

"Oh my gosh." I've been really annoying since making plans to come.

They all wake up and we gather around in a circle in the middle of the room.

"Gray, Ethan. Try and see if you guys have powers." I tell them.

I see Gray and Ethan try to pick up a vase. Grayson can't but Ethan can.

He realizes Grayson can't pick the vase up, so he smirks at him.

"Whose stronger now?" Ethan says.

"Not for long Ethan." I tell him wiggling my fingers around tickling him.

He starts to giggle like a little girl falling to the floor.

"Hey Katie, just in case, you try and see, I don't want you to get hurt along the way." I tell her.

She tries to pick a vase up. She can't.

"Why can't I do it?" She tells me.

"It must be because you just rose from the dead." I tell her.

"Here, I'll grab your hand and if it glows, you have powers still." I tell her.

I grab her hand and close my eyes.

I do it for about 30 seconds.

Nothing glows.

"I'm sorry Katie, I think since you died, you couldn't get your powers back." I tell her feeling guilty since it's my fault.

"It's okay, you can just do a spell on me to have it for 24 hours." She tells me smiling.

I do, so I grab Ethan, Katie's and Grayson's hands altogether to just get the spell over with.

"Quanat alquaa" I say this time about 10 times. I feel my nose bleed uncontrollably.

I open my eyes.

I start to gasp for air. That was a really hard spell, But at least it worked.

"Okay, it's done." I tell them.

"Someone give me a map." I say.

Ethan comes and gets me one.

"Grayson, Ethan. Cover your nose." I tell them.

They do as I say.

I get some of my blood and I start to put it on the center of the map.

I close my eyes.

I say the spell about at least 10 times.

I can't. I've used my mind too much.

"Alli, I'll do it." Ethan tells me noticing I've done too much mind control already.

"No Ethan, you can't do it. It's too strong." I tell him.

"Alli, I basically have the same powers as you, I can take it." He tells me sympathetically.

"Ok then. All you have to say is 'aleuthur ealaa almawqie'." I tell him.

"Alright, got it." He tells me.

He closes his eyes and focuses on the map.

"Aleuthur ealaa almawqie." He says.

His nose starts to bleed.

After the second time of him saying that, the blood starts to go to the exact location of the graveyard.

"You can stop now. I tell him."

Oak woods cemetery. In Chicago.

It's in Chicago. Let's go.

We immediately get in the car.

Of course I'm the one driving. I don't get sleepy like the others.

After what seems forever, I spot the Graveyard.

"Guys, we're here." I tell them.

We get out of the car and try to find the grave with "Nathaniel Parker."

I close my eyes and Try to smell his scent. Traveler blood. I immediately get pulled to his grave with my mind.

I stop, and I end up finding it.

"Guys, over here!" I scream at them.

They immediately come running.

I start the spell.

"Takhfif, Takhfif, Tak-."

Suddenly someone interrupts me and slaps my hand off his grave.

"I-I'm sorry Alli. I cant let you do this." Katie tells me with a tear in her eye. She pulls me a mile away from her. I'm not Strong enough to fight her. I've used too much mind control, and she has the same powers and strength as I have.

I start to come at her. With my hand exposed.

When suddenly I see her fling through the air like a frisbee.

-page 233

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