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Allison's POV-
Ethan is seriously confusing me. He says he apparently knows I'm lying, I mean I don't feel like I am.

"What are you even talking about Ethan?" I ask, a confused look playing across my face.

"I-I don't know. I think I can like, read your mind or something." He says, not even believing it himself.

"Okay, then. If you really can, what am I thinking about right now?" I ask.

He closes his eyes and deeply concentrates.

"Pancakes." He says after opening his eyes.

"What the hell? How did you suddenly get all of this?" I ask, confused.

"I have no idea, it literally all started today." He tells me.

"Do you think it's the one of the disadvantages of bringing you back to life?" I ask him.

"Yeah, for sure. There's no way I could have just gotten this out of nowhere." He responds.

"God, I'm so sorry you have to live with this." I tell him, sighing.

"Alli, you basically brought me back to life, I couldn't ask you for anything better." He says, holding my hand.

I look at him and give him a friendly smile, a shiver suddenly runs down my spine.

"Alli, why are you so nervous?" Ethan asks. Oh, so he also knows the certain feelings I have too. Great.

"I'm not." I tell him, looking away.

"Then why do you tense up so much when I do this." He tells me, holding my cheeks to face him.

"Or this." He says, holding my waist, licking his lips. My heart beats a million times per minute. I feel myself heavily breathing.

"Or this." He says, whispering it near my neck. He sure as hell knows how this is making me feel, but in all the wrong ways.

"Or how about this." He whispers, centimeters apart from my lips. I then my head sideways, away from his lips.

He puts my face back in place, leaning in. I can't believe he's doing this right now. Now I'm pissed.

I slap him hard on the cheek. Once I do, he grabs the cheek I smacked in shock that I would ever do that.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I scream at him.

"I love Grayson, and it will always be Grayson!" I scream louder, my senses jolt in. He flies across the room.

"If you're going to be acting like this, we can't be... friends." I tell him, a tear sliding down my cheek.

When I start to run to my room, he tries to catch up. I close the door hard with my mind and lock the door.

I sob loud and hard. I hate the fact that Ethan's treated me, like a toy he can play around with whenever he wants to.

I guess not all friendships last forever, no matter how real they were to you.

Ethan's POV-
I can't believe I did this to Alli, betrayed her. I don't know why I did that. I've now lost her trust forever.

Her and Grayson were the only people keeping me sane, and both of those people will never forgive me.

Nathaniel and Grayson both come running out of Nate's room.

"What the hell did you do to her?" They both ask, furious.

"Look, just move." I tell them, trying to leave the room.

"Hell no, not until you gives us an explanation." Nate tells me.

"I'm not giving you anything." I tell him, losing my temper.

"You are going to." He demands.

"I said move!" I scream, punching him so hard he flies across the room, I've never been so furious with my self.

I go out the house and crawl inside my car. I need to tell Allison one more thing, even though she'll ignore me.

I close my eyes and focus on Allison, perfect Allison. How I would do anything for her.

"Allison, I know you'll never forgive me, and that's okay. As long as you're happy with it." I realize I'm beginning to cry.

"I never wanted that." She whispers.

"I'll leave you Allison, I promise. Until you're ready to talk to me." I tell her.

"We will never talk again. You have lost me forever." She tells me, sobbing when she finishes the sentence.

"I love you Allison, I always will." I whisper before opening my puffy eyes.

I wipe off the blood on my nose.

I can't help but feel broken inside, like every bone in my body was been shattered, my heart turn into ashes.

I have no one, not anymore. I'm a burden to this family.

To everyone.

Allison's POV-
He left, Ethan left. I can't help but feel broken everywhere, my heart aching worse and worse by the second.

My eyes are like endless rivers, flowing, flowing and flowing.

I don't want Ethan to leave. Deep inside, I know I'll crumble with out him. He's as special to me as Grayson is.

I open the door and run outside. In front of my eyes is Ethan, his head on the car wheel. He looks up and realizes that I'm outside.

He's as heart broken as I am, it's like we can't live without each other. He was always with me when I had no one, for 2 years.

The most special memory of Ethan comes into view.

2 years ago-
"Hey uhm-Allison right? My names Ethan, would you like to be partners?"he tells me straight forward with an almost nervous smile.

"Of course!"I tell him reassuring him not to be nervous,I don't get why he would be though...

We're like halfway through the class and all me and Ethan were doing was talking and talking. He's so fun to talk to.

"Well I have a twin brother called Grayson and my sister's name is-"

"Cameron, I know"I start laughing at his confused ass look.

"Wait, how did you know?"Ethan asks

"I watch you guys on YouTube like all the time. You two are so funny like are you guys legit comedians?"I ask jokingly.

"Well, we try. We love our fans, they make us who we are now."He tells me with a smile on his face.

"Do any of the people here watch y'alls YouTube videos?"I ask

"Oh god thankfully they don't even know we have one, except for my buddy Justin"he tells me.

"Ohhh so they don't know your nickname is ee-tee-wee-tee"I whisper to him laughing super hard at the same time.

"God that's embarassing, yeah they don't"he gets so red once I say it.

Present day-
I smile at the memory, the first time me and Ethan talked. I can tell that Ethan read my mind because he's smiling too.

Then my smile fades away, he's starting the car. I run to the car.

When I do, he's already pulling out to leave. He leaves.

I fall to my knees, feeling numb.

I feel someone hug me, Grayson.

Nothing can ease the pain I'm feeling right now.

Not over my now dead body.

-page 567

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