The Unexpected

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Grayson's POV-
I have no idea what Alli just did. I'm pretty sure she's not fucking with me and doing a prank, because that's impossible to do. Daniels frightened eyes looked real. Is she some kind of witch?

Ethan's POV-
I don't know what the hell Alli just did, but that was badass. I think she knows some Whitchy woo or something. Still, we both need her to explain.

Allison's POV-
Grayson looked a bit scared, and Ethan looked happy for some reason.

"Please, let me explain." I tell them.

They both nod their heads.

We go to the living room, and I explain to them everything.

"I'm something called a Traveler. Half vampire, half witch. Every other Traveler can only do simple spells. But me on the other hand... i can do more than that. I have super speed, like The Flash, I have super Strength, like The Hulk, I heal fast, I have mind control, i can compell people to do as i say, and I can also move objects with my hands. And the other advantage is I don't crave blood, or anything." i tell them.

Grayson looks at me. I can tell he's thinking a lot, considering what I told him is a lot to take in.

"Well, Alli. Honestly super powers or not, you'll always be my best friend. I'll support you in anything, okay? You're always going to be my best friend, except you're a little more badass now" Ethan tells me with a smile.

"Thank you for understanding me, Ethan. Love you bub" I tell him jokingly.

We hug and I pull off.

"And Ethan, sorry for hugging you super tightly whenever I first saw you. I'm going to have to get used to hugging people lightly" I tell him laughing.

"No wonder you could carry me!" He tells me as if it's so normal I'm supernatural.

"Well, I'll leave you to talk to Grayson." He tells me.

"Kay, see you" I tell him as he goes up the stairs.

"Grayson? Look if you don't want anything to do with me you can jus-"

"Alli, you really think this is going to ruin our relationship? There's no way. Yeah maybe now you have a lot of powers that are dangerous to any human, but i know you're better that. You wouldn't hurt someone just for fun."He tells me caressing my cheek.

I start blushing so hard.

"Thank God, I really didn't want to lose you." I tell him hugging him softly. well hard for him, technically.

"Of course not. This is just a little bump in the road, but we can work with it." He tells me.

I look at him and just smile. He makes me so....happy. he's so perfect.

"You know what, how about I take you out. Tommorow morning. I need to tell you something too." He tells me.

"Alright, how about 9:00 in the morning?"

"Perfect" he tells me, smiling

Grayson's POV-
After Alli leaves, I go up to Ethan's room.

"Hey Ethan get your ass up from bed. I need your help"I yell at him.

"Of course you need help from this perfect guy here." He points both his hands at his chest. He's such a dork.

"I'm going on a date with Allison, but I don't want to make it too fancy or too boring." I tell him walking around the room panicking.

"Chill bro, you're acting like you're gonna die. She mentioned to me last time what her favorite place is" he tells me.

"Where??" I ask him.

"It's downtown here, it's your favorite place too, retard"

I know excatly what to do now. What would I ever do if I didn't have such an amazing brother like Ethan.

-page 108

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