No Chances

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Allison's POV-
I immediately pulled myself alway from Grayson.

"Uhm, Daniel what are you doing here?" I nervously laugh.

"Yeah, I would ask the same thing to you, Alli! Who the hell is this dipshit?!" Daniel screams at Grayson.

"Woah, were just fri-"

"You do not get to talk to my friends like that Daniel! I wont let you disrespect them like that!" I scream at him back.

Everyone goes quiet. I can see everyone in the movie theatre stare at us, but I don't care. Daniel does not get to scream at Grayson like that.

He starts to put his hand up and I can tell he's about to slap me. Mid way his hands were just inches apart from my face when a hand grabs him in the wrist and pulls his hand away.

"Look, I don't want any problems here bro, but dont you dare lay a hand on her or there will be major problems if you do."Grayson tells him in a threatening voice.

"Oh really pretty boy, what you gonna do about it?"Daniel tells him spitting at his face every word he says.

"You don't know what I'm capable of, Dani. So I suggest you leave right about now before I have to do what I don't want to."He pulls a pocket knife and shows him carefully so he can see he's not playing games.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry"he says with an afraid voice.

While leaving Ethan finally comes in. He sees Daniel and then gives me a confused look

"What the hell"I can hear him mutter when Daniel purposely bumps into him.

Grayson's POV-
I felt like ripping that bitches throat out. He made Alli feel ashamed of herself, and so embarrased I could tell by the expression in her eyes. I'm so mad at that little cunt. Im going to find him and make him feel ashamed and embarrassed about himself.

"Alli, I'm so sorry. It's wasn't your fault, don't feel bad about it please" I tell her in a sympathetic look.i turn around and Alli isn't there. Where the hell did she go?

Allison's POV-
I ran. I don't know where I'm going but I'm so ashamed of myself. Daniel made me feel like shit. I-I feel so guilty for almost kissing Grayson, but it's like I was meant to. I should have went over and stood up for myself. Slap him for what he did. Break up with him.

Right now all I want to do was just...stay here. And do nothing. I sat there for about 10 minutes when I hear someone call for me from very far away.


It's Grayson. I don't want to see him. Daniel embarrassed me too much, I feel as if I don't deserve any boy ever.

"Alli? Alli what are you doing here?" He tells me with a concerned voice.

I start to cry. I cant help it. Call me sensitive,but I don't know what to do.

"Alli, dont cry. You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself. It's was him who was just being a scumbag and he's just full of himself. He doesn't deserve you at all, you're too beautiful for him, and too caring. Don't forget that Alli, youre beautiful not only for your looks, but also about who you are."Grayson tells me confidently.

I start to smile. That was so sweet. I've never smiled so much. I feel like Grayson can always put a smile in my face, even if he's just sitting next to me I feel...happy.

"Thanks Grayson, you're really sweet."I tell him looking into his eyes.

"I like you a lot Grayson. I have to tell you because it's the truth. You make me happy." I tell him.

He starts blushing. He doesn't even bother to talk to me. He just looks at me, cups my face with his hands, and gets closer to me. I begin to grow anxious and this time the kiss wasnt interrupted. We kiss for about 30 seconds. He pulls away and so do I, and he gives me the most happiest smile ever.

I've never been so happy in my life.

-page 49

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