Heart Break

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Allison's POV-
I wake up due to a bright light flashing directly to my face.

A flashlight.

"Allison, wakey wakey." I hear someone whisper in my ear. I can immediately tell it's Ethan.

"I'm exhausted, let me sleep just a little more." I say, rolling around to the other side of the bed.

"Well, I made you some waffles." He says.

I snap my head up to his direction.

"Now that you mention it, I'm actually starving." I say.

"Well, I'm now more tired that I'm back to my normal self." Ethan says, running the back of his neck.

"Oh really?" I fastly stand up and put pressure on his neck with my hand.

"Ethan can't defend himself anymore?" I say in 'surprise'.

"I'm gonna tell Rose to turn me again so I can beat your ass." He says, slightly struggling to breath.

My hands are barely grasping his neck, yet I'm leaving him breathless.

I let go of his neck and I smile forms across my face.

"Bite me." I whisper in his ear before leaving the room.

"What are you so happy about mommy?" Caleb asks.

"Well, you're uncle's pretty weak right now, so you know what that means." I say.

"Can I go mommy can I go?" He eagerly asks.

"Go kick his butt." I respond.

"Yayyy!" He shouts, vamp-running to my room.

I go to the kitchen and see that Bella's cutting lettuce.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I wanted to make some sandwiches for the family." She says.

"Okay, I bet they'll be delicious. You're dad sure was sleepy." I say, looking at how adorable he is asleep.

"Can you help me mom?" Bella asks.

"Sure, hand me the knife." I say.

"Ouch!" I suddenly hear her say. I look up to see what's wrong.


I suddenly drop the knife to the floor.

After three years, I still can't handle the urge.

Grayson immediately wakes up, knowing how bad Traveler blood affects me.

Traveler blood has no effect on him, since he craves humans.

He vamp-runs to me, securely holding onto my shoulder.

"I-I'm fine." I breathlessly say, letting myself not breath for a little.

Her blood gets on my fingers.

I feel my veins under my eyes begin to grow.

I hide my face, I don't want Bella to see how badly I want her blood.

She then suddenly puts the palm of her hand onto my cheek, cupping it.

"It's okay, mommy. You can't control it." She says, hugging me once I heal her hand.

"Thank you for understanding." I mutter, smiling.

"Allison, help me!" Ethan says through our minds.

"What's up, E?" I ask as if I dont know what's happening.

"Caleb is really beating my ass right now, I can't get him off of me!" He says.

"Okay, fine just wait." I say.

I vamp-run into the room.

"Playtime is over." I say, easily getting Caleb off of Ethan.

"Oh, come on! I was just getting started!" Caleb whines.

"Well, I'm sure Ethan has had just enough. Go play with your sister." I say.

"Mommy, I could smell her blood. Did she cut herself?" Caleb asks.

Ethan looks at me wide eyed, obviously thinking the worst.

That I devoured her.

"Yes, she did. But I cleaned it up already." I say. Ethan looks at me, confused.

"Oh, okay. Ill fight Bella then." He says, heading out the room.

"Not harsh." I say right before he leaves the room.

"How the hell did you manage?" He says, in a more angry face.

"It's something called a hand, I covered it over my nose." I say.

"You shouldn't be putting her near any sharp stuff or-"

"Or I'll kill her. Okay, I get it." I say, rubbing my hand across my forehead.

"Exactly." He says.

"It's easy for you to say, okay? You're human, you never have to deal with all this shit. You don't know what it feels like, so don't be telling me what I should and shouldn't do." I loudly say to his face.

"It doesn't matter. Traveler or not, I deal with shit too." He says.

"No you don't! I'm always the one looking out for everyone, since every single person in the world wants to hurt the people I love!" I say even louder.

"No, you dont get it Alli! I do deal with shit too!" He screams.

"Oh really? Like what?" I ask.

"Like how when your in front of me I have to control myself from doing something I'll later regret!" He spits out.

"You said you were over me." I mutter, looking down to the floor.

"I never said I was completely Allison. I said I just wasn't in love with you anymore." He mutters back.

My face drops. He can't be living like this, having these feelings for me.

"I-I just can't deal with it anymore. I-I love you Alli and I fucking hate it!" He says.

"Turn me." He says.

"Turn me." He demands.

I'm suddenly doing exactly what he's telling me to do. I can't control it.

"Datara orega" I say, blood seeping through my nostrils.

"E-Ethan what are you going to do?" I ask, terrified.

"I hate that I can't love you. I hate that I can't have children with you and only you. I hate that I wasn't the one to propose to you." He says, starting to tear up.

"I hate... my life. I feel useless without you." He says.

"I'm as strong as you, you proved that. Now you can't do anything about it." He says, sniffling.

"I can't have these feelings that hurt me everyday. Seeing you happy with my brother hurts me everyday. Not being able to see a future with you, claim uou as mine, hurts me every day." He says, crying.

"My emotions are just a constant reminder of my pain. Emotions are useless to me." He mutters.

"Emotions are nothing." Ethan says.

"N-No please dont Ethan I'm begging you." I say, pleading.

"It's too late now." He says.

He comes speed walking to me and kisses me. I can't move.

"So long." He mutters.

He begins to close his eyes. I can't do anything anymore.

He then opens his eyes, an evil smirk playing across his face.

He turned it off.

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