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Allison's POV-
"You're worrying me." I say, beginning to grow nervous every second the doctor leaves us hanging unanswered.

"Unfortunately, they aren't yours. I'm very sorry." He says, giving Ethan a sympathetic look.

I look at the doctor, leaving my focus on him and only him.

"We're going to be leaving now. Forget we ever came here." I tell him.

He spaces out and leaves the room.

"They aren't yours." I say, letting out a huge breath of relief. I don't know what I'd do if they were Ethan's.

"We got lucky." Ethan tells me, spinning me around the room.

I'm glad he isn't even a bit sad that they aren't his.

I mean, he's twenty one. He can barely even take care of himself.

"Let's go home." I tell him, he nods back.

"Come on guys." I tell Bella and Caleb.

"Wait, mom, you promised we'd go to the store to buy us clothes." Bella tells me.

It's true, I did. They've out grown their close, due to how their growing every single day.

"Alright, we'll stop there before going home." Ethan tells them.

"Yay!" Bella says, jumping up and down.

I look at him, furrowing my eyebrows. He smiles back. Guess the mall it is.


We finally get to the car, I'm so exhausted. We've never been out for so long without being interrupted by trouble.

"Mommy?" Caleb says, calling my name.

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask, looking at the back.

"Why did the doctor tell Ethan that he wasn't my daddy?" Caleb asks.

"Oh, that." I say, not being able to find one excuse.

"Don't worry about it, Caleb. He asked me if I was you guys's dad, and I told him no." Ethan says, covering for me.

"Ohhh, okay." He says.

"You know, Bella can read your mind. She knows your lying." I tell him through our minds.

"She can't read my mind, for now. I blocked my thoughts from her." He responds.

"Nice thinking." I tell him, chuckling softly.

"It's funny how we use this like it's normal." He tells me.

"Come on, Ethan. By now we should realize there is no such thing as normal for us." I tell him.

"True." He says out loud.

We're finally here, and I grab Bella in my arms while Ethan grabs Caleb.

I don't want them walking in the streets, I feel like maybe at some time someone might crash into them, which I don't want happening.

These children were a blessing for me, a miracle. To have them tooken away from me in a matter of a second, is unacceptable.

Ethan already knows how I feel about them just walking around like nothing, so he grabs him without hesitation.

We come inside the double doors, and walk around the mall.

"Mommy, can we go there!" She says, pointing at the Disney store.

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