Chapter One: Gift of Ganglari

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(Kingdom of Nohr: Capital of Windmire. The camera shows Castle Krakenburg from the outside before fading to the indoors. King Garon is sitting on a throne as the Nohrian royal children enter)

Garon: I see you made it here safely, Corrin. 

Corrin: Yes, Father. Long have I wished to see you and visit Castle Krakenburg again. I feel as if I'm dreaming...

Garon: It is only thanks to your diligence that you are here. I am told you are now a warrior on par with Xander. You finally possess the strength to be an instrument of Nohr's power in the world.

Elise: But, Father, will they be all right outside of the fortress?

Corrin: I appreciate your concern, but I earned my way here, and I'm ready to fight. 

Garon: Nohr is at war with the eastern kingdom of Hoshido. We of the royal family are descendants of the ancient gods, the First Dragons. As inheritors of this divine strength, we conquer those who oppose us with ease. One who learns to wield this power can destroy an entire army of common troops. Xander, Camilla, and Leo have already shown that they can use this power. I expect no less from you. 

Corrin: I am aware of your expectations, Father. I have trained daily to become as strong as my siblings. 

Garon: You show promise, but you will need a suitable weapon in order to serve Nohr. 

(Garon hands Ganglari to Corrin)

Garon: This is Ganglari, a sword infused with magic. With this sword, you can crush the Hoshidan army with ease. 

Corrin: Thank you for this generous gift, Father. 

Garon: Now, let us see you put that sword to its proper use. Bring out the prisoners!

Corrin: Prisoners?

(Kaze, Rinkah, and four other Hoshidan captives run onscreen)

Garon: These are prisoners from our most recent skirmish with Hoshido. I want to see you fight with my own eyes. Use that blade to strike them down. 

(The battle begins. If Corrin is male)

Gunter: I shall join you, milord. My lance arm is perhaps rusty but still serviceable. Felicia, will you join us as well?

Felicia: Of course! I'm as much a bodyguard as a domestic, after all. To be honest, I was never great at the domestic stuff anyways...

(If Corrin is female)

Gunter: I shall join you, milady. My lance arm is perhaps rusty but still serviceable. Jakob, will you join us as well?

Jakob: Naturally. I couldn't allow someone of your advanced years to bear the burden alone. Relax, Corrin. There is no need for you to soil your hands with this filth. Please relax and leave the fighting to us. 

(Both options converge here)

Rinkah: I am Rinkah, daughter of the Flame Tribe's honorable chieftain. What is your name, Nohrian royal?

Corrin: I'm Corrin. 

Kaze: Corrin...

Corrin: Huh? Have you heard of me?

Kaze: ... I am Kaze, a ninja of Hoshido. Show me what you can do. 

Garon: Kill them all!

(The camera points out a Dragon Vein. If Corrin is male)

Corrin: Is that...?

Felicia: Is something wrong, milord?

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